Superior Member
Rick Dotadao looks like one of the those guy who'd usually be written off because he's got everything going for him visually. Average height, slim build, narrow hips and relatively small girth in comparison to his huge length. But in his case he does seem to be one of, if not the longest guy out there....
His penis also shows zero signs of enhancement, to be fair to him. Most higher profile porn stars are pumping the shit of there dicks, or doing some form of enlargement. Hell even some of the biggest amateur guys on LPSG are doing PE and pumping. Length is far harder to attain than Girth.
Quite refreshing to see a contender potentially break the 8.75 - 9" inch barrier that most of the longest guys max out around. Would be fascinating to see him measure for the 10" for 10,000 thread.
He’s 6’ tall apparently so assuming that’s not too much of a lie, actually on the taller side compared to some of these guys. He is pretty slender body-wise though, so you have a point there. But this is why measurements or identifiable object comparisons are always best. To negate all of this visual “looks” crap and just get as close to reality as possible.