Measured porn stars??

You’re misinterpreting that statement. Whether accidentally or not I don’t know. I meant he wouldn’t have the same extent of uniqueness because more guys in that same length range, significantly thicker and/or bigger in volume have since come along. I never said he’d have “no success”. He’d probably be what Sly Diggler is today, seeing as how they’re nearly identical in length & girth. More just “one of the guys” than 20 years ago. It’s not that hard to grasp.

He told me in PM he thinks he “really is 2" longer than me, and certainly thicker.” So basically he thinks he’s 10.5-11 NBP & probably 7+ thick. That statement alone pretty much discredits any other opinions he has. And it’s extremely bizarre because they appear to be close in length and he seems to be noticeably thicker.

Yeah, he’s never 9.25”. Maybe he could get to 9” if he was edging like crazy or something, but that’s pretty much it IMO. I think 8.75 (even when younger) with a good solid erection is fair.

Yes, this was basically my original point.

If you get upset by facts and reality, this thread is easily avoidable.
Ah fair enough, I assumed he had him in the 9" inch range given he's a regular in this thread and the 10" thread. 11" inches NBP is way too much for any porn star...or any human for that matter. I'd suggest he's suffering from some form of body dysmorphia and not having the sophisticated cameras/lenses to recreate these angles that porn stars have. He's selling himself short really.

That being said, there's definitely some debate as to whether he's 8.75 or 9 inches flat. You fit into the more conservative 8.75" camp. And if he can get to 9" by edging like crazy alone, I'd say he is pretty much 9" non bone pressed. Even in 2024 only a handful of guys rival him in this area. Very few, if any, are comfortably longer.

He's also a guy who came into porn and maintained a similar size throughout his career. So if he'd gone down the PE or Pumping route, or any form of enhancement, who knows what he was capable of? Even most of the biggest guys on LPSG use these techniques to get to his length. Some admit to starting off around 8" inches. Most porn stars start out smaller and gradually get bigger through enhancement.
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> Ranxerox - Don’t let them upset you with your opinion. It’s happened to me multiple times.
To be fair, there's a massive difference between you and Ranxerox. He doesn't interject himself into every thread and talk about how unique he is. Or what a freak of nature he is. Or claim to be 10" inches long on the back of loose measurement tape. He has all sorts of measuring techniques and object comparisons in his gallery. His posting style is much more humble and funny in comparison. By LPSG standards, he's one of the most proven posters out there I'd say. If anything he downplays his own size in my opinion.

From what I remember, you where originally upset because people where debating porn star sizes down to a quarter of an inch, or fractions of an inch, with various accurate the measured porn stars thread. That's the whole point of this it doesn't really make sense to me.

Nothing to do with jealousy either, I probably have the smallest dick in this thread. I have praised your penis size before. I think you could be up there with the biggest guys on this site. But there are even females in this thread and the 10" inch thread that would hold you, me and others to the same measurement standards.
I'd like to see if someone could communicate with Ramon and ask him to properly measure his cock on video and post it. I believe someone posted before that he seems like someone whom wouldn't mind ponying up and doing some accurate measuring. It would quiet down a lot of the rhetoric around here, and give us all some perspective. Just my 2 cents.
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Damian Dayski has been posting pics comparing his size and thanks to Target for supplying the dimensions of the bottle which is 10.2" in length
View attachment 145917211
Lol you can already tell the bottle isnt really next to his dick. He’s pressing that into his leg.
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No actually, he has a relatively short glans which can significantly enhance perceived length. Not as small as some others, but not “big” either. And I wouldn’t say he has “great thickness”. He’s well above average, but wide & flat and doesn’t have nearly the girth of some of the others both past & present, even in that length range.

He also “looks huge” because, yes, he really is, but also for a multitude of other reasons. The major one being he’s 5 and a half feet tall with assuredly smaller body parts. I never said he isn’t big. I simply meant that he’d have a far less notable career today, and sort of “blend in” more than he did years back because as time goes on, more competition arises. It’s the exact same with any performance based activity. Acting, music, sports, etc.
Brickzilla "measured" again here

Measured at "13.5" inches but started at somewhere between the 4 and 5 inch marker from the looks of it.

13.5 - 4 = 9.5 inches

13.5 - 5 = 8.5 inches

Considering what a garbage measurement it it, I think we can safely say that Brickzilla is between 8 and 9 inches and most likely closer to 8 than 9 which is no surprise to anyone.

?View attachment 145479501
what is the girth? 6.5?
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Damian Dayski has been posting pics comparing his size and thanks to Target for supplying the dimensions of the bottle which is 10.2" in length
View attachment 145917211
Lol you can already tell the bottle isnt really next to his dick. He’s pressing that into his leg.
Not to mention an actual comparison would be the bottle on top

Yah its not a good comparison. If it was top down and the bottle was truly next to his dick we could work with it lol. But here its behind his dick on his leg and farther from the camera.

I'm sticking with 8 - 8.5 NBP for Damion these days and 7.5 - 8 for Damion when he first started.

what is the girth? 6.5?

I would say anywhere from 6 to 6.5 inches. But his dick is all fucked up from whatever he's done to it so its hard to say.
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