Measured porn stars??

Simple words eh? Try incoherent. Anyway, for the 500th time:

Taking almost an hour to get hard while direct stimulation is being applied=epic fail. Don't like my opinion on the matter? Deal with it and move on.

Just because you don't understand what RawDog and me are talking about it doesn't mean it's our fail actually.
It rather seems that you lack common sense.
How old are you by the way? 14?
Just because you don't understand what RawDog and me are talking about it doesn't mean it's our fail actually.
It rather seems that you lack common sense.
How old are you by the way? 14?

Bingo! The guy doesn't understand the phrase, "Put up or shut up." He goes on and on about how thinks he can do porn better than most of the limp dicks in the industry and he does nothing to prove it.
FFS, I'm over yall. Keep trolling if you must but my opinion on this issue stands. Now back to the topic at hand people. :)

Trolling? The three of us combined have a total of 10,087 posts worth of history in this forum and you have 31? We're the trolls?

If you feel singled out and unwelcome here it's because you are. Now you do need to get over us, but get over us far away.
More Chris Charming, more improper measuring...


I've heard of "bone-pressed" but I think "asshole-pressed" may be pushing it a tad...

Billy Glide measured with a pool thermometer (a new approach)...

hey by the way any1 realise that some of the pictures from previous pages are photoshoped?

one with a ruler with s a brown strip where the guy appears to be 12 inches.
and anopther one i don know why but its of two chicks who look like twins to me putting their heads together towards one dick!