Measured porn stars??

And this is Castros 10"? Hahahahahaha!!!
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Well, the girl holding both his dick and the ruler doesn't exactly look like the brightest bulb in the box, so I won't fault her completely faulty measuring technique. Sorry for judging a book by its cover, but alas, by what else do I have to judge it?
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This photo is a GREAT example of how little things can trick viewers.

First of all I have seen the scene with Shane and Jack Napier. I must say I was very surprised at the fact that Shane absolutely DWARFED Jack. I really didn't expect that because I estimated Jack to be close to 10" while Shane I estimated at between 9-9.5" But in the scene it was clear that the two mens' lengths were closer than I thought but shane had an enormous girth advantage over Jack.

So what's up with this photo? Well first off Shane is clearly no where near all the way erect, while this appears to be a full sized Jack. Secondly, it may be difficult to spot to the untrained eye, but the cameraman is NOT in fact "side-by-side" with Shane and Jack. In fact it looks like he is positioned directly to the side of Jack (closer) with Shane off a little further away from the lens to the left. There is tons of evidence in this photo to support this assertion. But in the end just watch the original VIDEO and you'll see what I mean. Shane is significantly bigger.
I did notice the camera is closer to Jack and that Shane looked like he wasn't fully erect but I figured it could make for a decent comparison picture. The way you wrote your post made it sound like Jack Napier is packing a 6x5 dick or something though, despite who is larger I wouldn't say either dwarfs the other.

I have seen the video in 1080p, I have it saved to my computer actually. And it's very hard for me to comment on girth, sometimes Jack looks thicker, sometimes Shane looks thicker. I've noticed Jacks dick looks really wide but it has less depth (by that I mean like, vertical thickness) while Shanes is a more full circular shape so I do think Shane might have a larger girth measurement. It's hard to compare when you have two guys who have trouble staying fully erect. Shane's dick always looks spongy-ish though, even at fully erect while Jacks looks to get much harder. I remember reading an interview from a pornstar a long time ago that mentioned this made Shane Diesel easier to handle than if his dick got rock hard. To me, Jack Napier looks flat out longer though

Side note - Isn't it amazing how easily Cherry Torn takes both of them?
Based on the photo I found with the ruler and remote, the remote is 9.5".
Remote style number is #1056B01.
If the remote in his hand is smaller, please show us that similar remote.
Since he is holding the remote to the side and at different angle, I'll say his cock is 9".
Mandingo held a Barbie Doll next to his cock. I gave him 9.5" to 10".
Mandingo is also thicker than Wesley.

watch this
Aiden Starr prueba la polla de

at around 8:20
he falls 1 inch shorter
watch this
Aiden Starr prueba la polla de

at around 8:20
he falls 1 inch shorter

Yes, at least 1" shorter. So he is, like most pornstars somewhere between 7.5 and 8".

Also there's a pic/post earlier in the thread that says that Shane Diesel is about 7.5" long also. So how long is (or isn't) Jack Napier?

When you see people measured on the side you should subtract .5" to an inch.
Remember that all resaeches are done measuring bonepressed erect length, so numbers and averages from those are based on that and what we are estemating from looking here are likely to be non-bonepressed numbers. Many people have a little more or less than an inch of a fatpad. Just saying, because if you estemate their non-bonepressed, you can`t compare that to any given average or research numbers.
Remember that all resaeches are done measuring bonepressed erect length, so numbers and averages from those are based on that and what we are estemating from looking here are likely to be non-bonepressed numbers. Many people have a little more or less than an inch of a fatpad. Just saying, because if you estemate their non-bonepressed, you can`t compare that to any given average or research numbers.
wtf? many people have an INCH of fatpad? I have like .25"... I know I am not overweight or anything, but man an inch of fat down there seems like it would need to be on somebody that is severely overweight.
watch this
Aiden Starr prueba la polla de

at around 8:20
he falls 1 inch shorter

That video proves I'm accurate.Remote is 9.5". She has it near top and to the side and he's like 3/8" short. It could have been on top and bonepressed and still been near the same. I stand by 9".
When they fiddle with it more, angling the remote to the side, it looks even, just like in that other video.


wtf? many people have an INCH of fatpad? I have like .25"... I know I am not overweight or anything, but man an inch of fat down there seems like it would need to be on somebody that is severely overweight.

Well, I'm athletic and have just a a lil bit over 0.5". Can't see why someone with 1" should be overweight.
wtf? many people have an INCH of fatpad? I have like .25"... I know I am not overweight or anything, but man an inch of fat down there seems like it would need to be on somebody that is severely overweight.

I don't remember which one right now, but one of those "average penis size studies sites", has a survey with more detailed information than usual, like bp vs nbp etc, and there the average fat pad was indeed an inch. Mine is very close to an inch, and though I have some fat on my body, I'm nowhere near "severly overweight".
Based on the photo I found with the ruler and remote, the remote is 9.5".
Remote style number is #1056B01.
If the remote in his hand is smaller, please show us that similar remote.
Since he is holding the remote to the side and at different angle, I'll say his cock is 9".
Mandingo held a Barbie Doll next to his cock. I gave him 9.5" to 10".
Mandingo is also thicker than Wesley.


Jessie Volt 5'1, I'm 5'8 1/2 my forearm is 10 inches. So how exactly can a girl that's 5'1 have a larger forearm than mine. Also I used to own one of those remotes. They are not 10 inches, not to mention how does no one. Notice he's pulling his dick to the side. When I find a camera that can be uploaded to my computer I'll post mine which is a genuine 7.75-7.9 inches depending on how hard I am. No jamming it into my bone or pulling it down and to the side. So you can't tell where it begins.
MixedYoungCock and Shudder69,
I found the pic of measured remote on eBay. Neither of you has shown the remote to be less than 9.5". I'm not even sure if you are trying to say that the remote is smaller or what.
I am 6'1" ish also. The pic shown with her forearm is the outer forearm, Olecranon to wrist. My outer forearm measures 12 inches.
The chick looks to be equal to remote at 9.5".
This woman appears to have a measurement of 24cm≈9.5":
This woman also nearing 10 inches:
This girl inner measurement appears even longer:
So, I conclude, a small woman's outer forearm is not freakishly proportioned to have a measurement of at least 9.5".
Why are you arguing about the alleged size of a pornstar's dick? Porn is meant to be fantasy and illusion. No one with a brain would believe that any of these guys would ever post a legitimate measurement pic, or actually be as big as advertised.