Measured porn stars??

but tape starts at about 0.5" as 1" mark is very close to the base plus what is the problem with measuring it parallel to the ground like in instruction few posts ago. I have my own penis and measured it in different scenarios and 100% flacid downward is 1" longer for me
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BTW what do you consider as a perfect size of penis for pornstar (only erected up and hard not soft and pointed down)?
Do you think more is better or there is some specific size?
My type is between 8"-9" lenght and 6"-6,5" girth and best 22cm (8,7") lenght, 15,5cm (6.1") girth.
I mean best size for porn-pornstar not your ideal size, I wanna know what do you think. manuel brings his A game in this scene. made brandi love cum multiple times , but the interesting thing is, he looks 7+ in this scene and a couple of other scenes, do you guys think we might have underestimated his size or is 6.75 nbp on the mark for him?
Manuel doesn't look quite like 6.75nbp to me.
Here though is an interesting thread over at thundersplace where one poster has a good analysis on the correlation of 6+ inches in length and that correlating to women more often experiencing vaginal orgasm. The thread also includes a link to a scientific study he is basing his analysis on.
he doesn't look much bigger than 6'', id say maybe 6.3 or 6.4. He wouldn't be more than 6.5 max.
not that I disagree with you because I'm still not sure on his size but why do so many of his co stars say he has a big dick if hes under 6.5? Ill be honest with you, my first guess was 6.5 then 6.75 because this site makes me feel like we shouldn't "downplay" these pornstars. then in some scenes he looks particularly longer than i thought which made me think is he actually 7 nbp+ and that we underestimated him this whole time? I don't know, but he looks different from different angles.
not that I disagree with you because I'm still not sure on his size but why do so many of his co stars say he has a big dick if hes under 6.5? Ill be honest with you, my first guess was 6.5 then 6.75 because this site makes me feel like we shouldn't "downplay" these pornstars. then in some scenes he looks particularly longer than i thought which made me think is he actually 7 nbp+ and that we underestimated him this whole time? I don't know, but he looks different from different angles.

His girth of a bit over 6 which is in the 99th percentile is why he's considered having a big dick even for porn.

His looks and style is probably why he's so popular. Compare to him some of the other sleazeballs in porn.
LOL well you need your eyes checked then..."actual legit 9" (flaccid) cock" :) what's your "excuse" now I'd love to hear it haha
No need to repost your bullshit over and over again. That's not a legit measurement. You've been told by several people what a legit measurement is. So stop being dumb as a stump.
Not impressed? He's starting at the 2" mark almost im both videos and that short of hand techniques isn't gonna give you gains imo
Actually he doesn't start at 2" mark here: and would be 8.75" NBP if camera was more to the left and ruller set more on the center of base.
I would love to see measurment like this performance by you

Can you deliver photo or video like this position?
Actually he doesn't start at 2" mark here: and would be 8.75" NBP if camera was more to the left and ruller set more on the center of base.
I would love to see measurment like this performance by you

Can you deliver photo or video like this position?
I will post a measurement like this ONLY if "stan-sdp" can post one like the pic above as well or a GIF like the countless ones in my gallery. :) its funny as hell how y'all wanna call me a fake when I have more measurements then anyone on this site but this Sdp dude can measure from the side starting at the1.75" mark almost 2 and it's a "legit measurement " lol....