Measured porn stars??

Actually he can be considered as a pornstar if amateur solo counts, he has 1,740 Subscribers and 131,418 Video Views on pornhub.
The question is Does he want prove that we are wrong and post legit properly done without trick measurments or No and then we can't do anything but ignore him because he don't want to cooperate with the rest of members.
Any of pornstar is 10" long, mandingo is 9" max and when I see him grab his penis it looks even smaller.
Mr. 18 is 9 incher but soft as dough.
Me posting a pic of me flaccid at 9" tells you alone that I'm clearly over 9" hard my length fluctuates but I can max out 10" NOW....back to the discussion of PORNSTARS measured:)
Agreed im done responding to him until he can do the very basic measurement we asked for. The more egregious exaggeration is claiming 7 inches girth IMO when no one in porn history is that big.
There is a member on this site.. bignlong I think it is..he is almost 8" base girth...also my GIF proved I'm atleast 7" girth it shows the tape from top and both show me a measured pornstars GIRTH photo or video... :) you've been disproven
Actually he can be considered as a pornstar if amateur solo counts, he has 1,740 Subscribers and 131,418 Video Views on pornhub.
That's what gets me. The fanbase for fantasy dick shit is massive. Even in a place like this, where people should have already seen everything and had things explained to them, the members and lurkers who praise and believe anything they see online related to a big dick outnumber the "naysayers" by about a thousand to one. Who gives a shit what we think?? We represent a tiny little corner of the internet and your average porn/nudes viewer will never hear what we say nor choose to consider any of it if so. We're not a good audience for you. Go to where they are. Porn stars and their management avoid places like this. We'll point shit out if the situation calls for it, and if you know you can't prove these people wrong or explain the things in question (and I know you do) why keep putting yourself around them? It only draws more attention to the "man behind the curtain".
But we have 3 problems with 9" flacid
1. Flacid means 0% erection level, you can grab your flacid penis and easily break in half all the way, girth erected and flacid shouldn't be the same
2. Tape shouldn't start at mark 1", if it starts at 1" why it doesn't end at 10" mark?
3. When we measure penis it is alway parallel to the ground and standing, is it so hard to stand and hold penis in one hand to 90 degree angle between penis and pubic bone? When I measure my self this trick gives me easily 0.5" even 0.75" in my personal case.

So I'd estimate this 9" flacid to be 9"-1" tape-0.5" incorrect position as no more than 7,5" and even thougt it doesn't look 0% errected extra soft but more julio gomez style
But we have 3 problems with 9" flacid
1. Flacid means 0% erection level, you can grab your flacid penis and easily break in half all the way, girth erected and flacid shouldn't be the same
2. Tape shouldn't start at mark 1", if it starts at 1" why it doesn't end at 10" mark?
3. When we measure penis it is alway parallel to the ground and standing, is it so hard to stand and hold penis in one hand to 90 degree angle between penis and pubic bone? When I measure my self this trick gives me easily 0.5" even 0.75" in my personal case.

So I'd estimate this 9" flacid to be 9"-1" tape-0.5" incorrect position as no more than 7,5" and even thougt it doesn't look 0% errected extra soft but more julio gomez style
And AGAIN I question your eyesight or are you trolling? Because it's CLEAR AS DAY that that's not starting at the .5" I mean LOOK at the pictures lol smh..and 7.5 haha now you are just grosely downplaying me...btw thats (Standing /sitting) ZERO differnce it makes jealousy is a evil thing :)

-and I rest my case lol


I don't hate him...hes just a fraud who can't post any measured gifs I've asked him to prove me wrong numerous times
The only fraud around is you. People asked you to prove them wrong numerous times. Until you actually post a legit measurement and not your bullshit pics/gifs over and over again you are a fraud and liar. And everybody knows that you would have posted a legit measurement by now if it would support your claim. Since you didn't it's obvious you are a fraud.

-and I rest my case lol
Guys no need to answer him again, he already prove it

On the left picture hes standing up, parallele to floor, he start at 1.75 and finish at 10.5 with following the curve of the gland (so less than 10.5 with a straight ruler) and we can see at 5 to 7 inches that the tape is not straight, so again even less with a ruler.
Also hes using an extender so without he might be even less... so no way near 10 or 9 inch like he claim end of this shit
Hes around 8.
And AGAIN I question your eyesight or are you trolling? Because it's CLEAR AS DAY that that's not starting at the .5" I mean LOOK at the pictures lol smh..and 7.5 haha now you are just grosely downplaying me...btw thats (Standing /sitting) ZERO differnce it makes jealousy is a evil thing :)

-and I rest my case lol
It's funny how you question my eyesight after claiming 6.5" mid girth when It's clearly 6.3" and tape is too loose (I posted prove pics page earlier) that meanks everthing about you teing troll cause you round up your faked measurments. I have seen enough to know you are 9" max lenght and about 6" girth in proper place, not more.
"it's CLEAR AS DAY that that's not starting at the .5"" - so why you hide where tape starts under your finger, since when 0-1" mark is 2 times shorter than the rest of inches?

So you hide black part and even though you finger isnt start on base but above.
"(Standing /sitting) ZERO differnce it makes jealousy is a evil thing" - So why you can't prove it? I wasn't even talking about standing/sitting but do you can hold penis parallel to the ground or it's so big you can't hold it so it need to hang down all the time.
I am 100% surre you wouldn't be even 8" then so we will never see this so no point to ask anymore.
And most important I am not sick fuck to be jealous about 10" x 7" cause I don't know any girl who would like it above 8" x 6-6.25" more is just for internet porn fantasies and only internet size queens would be into 10" x 7" I guess but you pernis doesn't look like legit 10" x 7" as mandingo is 9" x 6" and look more impresive to me
Guys no need to answer him again, he already prove it

On the left picture hes standing up, parallele to floor, he start at 1.75 and finish at 10.5 with following the curve of the gland (so less than 10.5 with a straight ruler) and we can see at 5 to 7 inches that the tape is not straight, so again even less with a ruler.
Also hes using an extender so without he might be even less... so no way near 10 or 9 inch like he claim end of this shit
Hes around 8.
True, being generous the penis would end at the 10" mark if the tape wasn't crinkled. Also being generous the penis starts at 1.5"
That would be 8.5" fully stretched and bone pressed.

That dude must be mentally challenged to sell that as 10" or 11" and think people don't smell the bullshit.
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Also if it’s 7” girth don’t think you’d be able to wrap your hand around that far. Looks like you can easily overlap thumb and index even with the added girth from the ruler...
Check left side of penis below and above hand (above hand is doctored thats why can see ruller shadow but penis doesn't leave it yet, he must be some vampire species then) 8.5" x 6"
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And AGAIN I question your eyesight or are you trolling? Because it's CLEAR AS DAY that that's not starting at the .5" I mean LOOK at the pictures lol smh..and 7.5 haha now you are just grosely downplaying me...btw thats (Standing /sitting) ZERO differnce it makes jealousy is a evil thing :)

-and I rest my case lol

Listen you have a large dick but these are not flaccid photos, they are semi-erect. Can we see your real flaccid? I am guessing your about 6.75 genuine flaccid.
Also if it’s 7” girth don’t think you’d be able to wrap your hand around that far. Looks like you can easily overlap thumb and index even with the added girth from the ruler...
Exactly - and still he claims to be thicker than Shorty Mac.

Oh, well. He did actually succeed in hijacking yet another thread. We must admit he's eminent at that.