I was recently looking at a website that sells "realistic dildos" (don't ask me why) and saw that there are a number of ones based off of pornstars peviously discussed in this thread. The dimensions of some of these are ludicrous (e.g. 13" X 8.5"). However, many appear to be close to some of the numbers previously guessed by various members
Keep in mind that "total length" of these dildos is going to be larger than a "proper" ruler-on top measurement for two main reasons: 1.) since most men's balls hang partially under their bodies and not directly below and even with the base of the penis, a small portion of the top part of the dildo may actually be in the pelvis if the dildo were a real penis attached to a real person. 2.) Most men don't have suction cups attached to the base of their cocks.
However, the real-life dicks should be longer than the "insertable length" of the replica dildo since part of the nutsack protudes beyond the base of the cock as well.
In other words, if these replica dildos are not artificially distorted by the manufacturers, and do actually represent the true size of these pornstars, then their length has to be somewhere in between "total length" and "insertable length" of the dildo. Also, given no tampering, girth should be expected to be accurate and not distorted in the way length would be.
Now I know that "if the manufacturers have not distorted the dimensions" is a big IF in the world of porn. But some of the dildos i saw seem to underestimate the size of these guys if some of the porn claims or larger-end estimates offered in this thread are to be believed.
With all of this in mind, and with my apologies for this preluding wall of text, consider the following ones I found and feel free to post others and or correct any errors I may have made: