For the few people of this forum with a fully functioning brain let me explain this to you so we can get back to what this thread is about. When anybody on this forum measures their dick and their dick is over 9 plus inches. The so called resident dick experts will say that person measured their dick wrong and they are only 7 inches or something else stupid. They will say that person measured from the side, or they pushed the taped measure into their stomach. So when it benefits them to downplay some person they don't know dick they will say pressing the tape measure into their dick is the wrong way to measure your dick. Then when it benefits them they will say it is the right way.
So for the new members to the forum just ignore, Unkownuserx ,RokiD, SDP, TinyPrincess, SnakeByte, Hero52 and others. They will never get banned no matter what they do or type. They all constantly play the race card. They constantly find away to bring in race into every thread. They constantly attack black people to praise white people which is funny since TinyPrincess and Unknownuserx aren't white, they just wish they were. I said I think Mandingo is 9 inches. According to these clowns that is praising blacks to down whites. Which is funny since I never mentioned Mandingo's race. I said Manuel Ferrera is 5.5 inches because that is how long his dildo is. Some how that is attacking white people even though I didn't mention his race.
Just ignore these people. Don't even try to bother reporting them to the moderators because nothing will be done. If anything they will probably ban you. Once you block and ignore these people you can get back to having fun of this forum with the other people who are here who are trying to do the same thing. Stop mentioning my screen the people I blocked already and hopefully other people will can stay on track. This thread is about measured porn stars.