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I will assume most people are smart enough to realize that I pretty much explained why Mandingo when he was younger was at least 9 inches if not more. But I want to see why people think he is less than 9 inches ( I don't mean from the people I blocked either). Again Lexington Steele dildo is 8.2 inches which means that would be the smallest he was in his prime. Let me put up the video up Lex Steele and Jack Napier again so people can see that Jack Napier when fully aroused clearly has Lex beat. In my opinion by at least .2 to .5 inches. The second video I will put up again is a scene with Mandingo and Jack Napier. Go to around 16:40 and you can see that Mandingo clearly has Jack Napier beat. Finally if Danny D dildo is 8.5 inches and you believe Mandingo is minimum .5 inches bigger than Danny D. So how would Mandingo be under 9 inches. Don't use SDP, RokiD, and Unknownuserx "My hands are this big so every female on Earth hands must be under 3 inch dribble either.
Can someone pull side by side comparison shots? Also any guess on the length of the not black guy in the 2nd video? he seems dwarfed maybe sub 6.0 inches? in length and who knows girth?