Measured porn stars??

Can anyone tell me if this makes sense and is legit?

Circumference of a circle=

His diameter is around 1.9'' so his radius of his penis would be around 0.95 roughly.


= 2 × 3.14 × 0.95 = 5.966'' girth.

So Potro is around 6'' NBP × 6'' girth''.

Any thoughts?
The math is good but that's assuming a cock is always circular. Mine is oval shaped.
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i guess it's this one which measures 7.2" in total length but take care that the dildo is placed to the side behind the dick if it was on top it would look bigger with respect to the dick
I don't think Danny is bigger than Lex in length, but definitely bigger in girth.

If Prince is only 7x5.5, that's kind of funny he always acts like he has a monster d*ck

I mean he is huge.

99.8% for length if NBP

and 92.76% for girth.

use full calculator. Play with other studies results. Most agree 94% to 96% for length to 98%. Girth varies the most. But yeah I would say you need 7.75 or more in length to be HUGE rare monster cock. And need 6 inch girth or more for MONSTER girth status.

calcSD - Full Calculator
Shane Diesel has been measured in another scene, and we have the dimensions of the bottle that I managed to find.

He is measured by a Palmer's Body Moisturizing 250ml bottle. The bottle is is a confirmed 7.75 inches according to two websites I found.

View attachment 604255

View attachment 604259

See additional attachments for other screenshots of the measurement.

who is this?
nacho vidal is now 6 inches long max. watch his recent scenes. his dick has shrunk in length, his dick is also more curved now than it was before, but possible girth increase. same happen to peter north.
Could be from too much cocaine, those Spaniards can't get enough of it
That's another thing

How do you properly measure a penis? Everyone has their own way of doing so

only the curve of the penis should be followed in theory. I mean in reality it should
nacho vidal is now 6 inches long max. watch his recent scenes. his dick has shrunk in length, his dick is also more curved now than it was before, but possible girth increase. same happen to peter north.

nacho always been 6,5 to 6,75
maybe he lost an inch or something because of the age

you dont just lose an inch because of age. You lose size because fat ,weight gain, obesity, or bad health causing erectile issues. Mandingo is 43 or so and still near 9 inches. Any loss for him is very small and is more to do with his own weight gain. Lex was maybe 8.25 max in his prime and now is probably a little under 8 given weight gain by a sizable amount. Pipes hasent acted in a while but is 1 year away from 50 and as far as like 3 years ago was still hitting huge length.

So yeah..
Did she actually measured him over 8" in this vid? got pics?
View attachment 1236421
View attachment 1236425

agreed would like to see. Pipes is 7.9 to 8.0 max from all the analysis i have done. I think the only +8 inch guys is Slim poke, prime Lex, danny d, cash boss, low tru, mandingo, dredd, julio gomez, and yeah thats it. maybe boz is 8ish. I think only dredd, mandingo and gomez are more than 8.5 though with dredd being closer to 8.5 than 8.9 while i think prime mandingo gets close to 9ish. By the way rico is shorter than pipes from all i have seen by a little bit a tiny fraction and depth is shorter too.
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