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Amazing - a realistic penis size calculator
they could make some adjustments to it though. For example 7.9 inches has to be reached before it is considered ´´HUGE´´ despite the fact that 7.9 inches NON BONE PRESSED is 99% not only that but 99.89% to 99.99%...
Yet a dick is not considered MONSTER until 8.6 inches?? It should be that anything over 90% is ´´huge´´ and anything over 95% is monster. 99% is ENORMOUS
idk.. I also feel the calculator can and should expand to higher value than 100,000,000 million. However, it does make a good point that it wont be statistically accurate. For example if you (Use the Habous 2015 selection) increase the range to out of 100 million men and put in 9 inch NBPEL and 6.5 inch girth. It claims that 232 men will be longer than 9 inches and 199,273 will be thicker than 6.5 inches. But that 0 out of 100 million will have more volume meaning statistically unlikely near impossible to have that combo of length and girth. So at some point the standard deviations for extreme ends (especially larger sizes) is just not realistic. It is far more realistic that there are penises.
Using the Average SD of NBP option it says that 9 inch length out of 100 million men only 1 is longer than 9 inches NBP and 6.5 inch girth out of 100 million men only 97819 are larger.
But it labels 6.5 inch girth as ´´huge´´ when realistically anything at 6.25 or more girth is monsterous. For some reason that calculator says you need to hit 7.1 inch girth OR MORE to be ´monster´ but who realistically has 7.1 inch girth or more? It also claims 2252 men have more than 7.1 inch girth. So again what is the likely hood someone has girth that is 4.1 standard deviations above the mean? Furthermore from what i have seen and the data i have which i intend to publish at some point shows penis size not normally distributed. Few things in life are. It is more likely that towards the extreme ends of both tail ends we see basically non existent stuff.
So which is more common 2.5 inch long micro penises (which is -3.3 SD below mean) is more common than a penis that is 7.3 inches NBP which is also 3.3 SD above the mean?
which of the two is more common? I am inclined to think 7.3 inch NBP but who knows. However, once we reach say 10 inches well that is 7 SD above the mean, meanwhile you cant go more than -6.6 inches SD below the mean. Meaning a penis has to be 0.5 inches long to be that low down below the SD. So then it seems 10 inches has to be more common right? It seems that longer penises drop off at a slower rate. Like 7.8 inches NBP is 4 SD above mean while 2 inches NBP is 4 SD below the mean. Obviously as we can see playing with the calculator
makes you wonder