Measured porn stars??

Have a look a this, not a measurement but Steve Holmes and Lex Steele compared next to each other from a rare scene. Steele is not much bigger than Holmes.

Holmes has admitted to being just over 7", he looks bang on 7 inches to me.

In the third attachment is Erik Everhard compared with Lex Steele from a rare scene. Everhard is like 6" or 6.5" no bigger than this, he has impressive girth but is not that long. From these we can see that Lex Steele might even be 8 inches. Whatever is stated he can't possibility be any bigger than 8.5". I find it strange how he pretends to be 11 inch. If he truly was 11" then Erik Everhard would be 9 inches lol and we all know this is not true.


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Wow Steve is pretty big!

There is huge problem with the posted pic as there is big difference in cam position where the nearest object looks much huger.

Have a look a this, not a measurement but Steve Holmes and Lex Steele compared next to each other from a rare scene. Steele is not much bigger than Holmes.

Holmes has admitted to being just over 7", he looks bang on 7 inches to me.

In the third attachment is Erik Everhard compared with Lex Steele from a rare scene. Everhard is like 6" or 6.5" no bigger than this, he has impressive girth but is not that long. From these we can see that Lex Steele might even be 8 inches. Whatever is stated he can't possibility be any bigger than 8.5". I find it strange how he pretends to be 11 inch. If he truly was 11" then Erik Everhard would be 9 inches lol and we all know this is not true.

good pic. I used it for some photoshop measurements:

Everhard is about at most 6.5 long.
Steele might be at most 9 long. Bone pressed. At most!
Probably right about 8.5 bone pressed.
Do we have any ideas about everhards girth which seems rather big espacially compared to Steele?
What scene is your pic from?


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There is huge problem with the posted pic as there is big difference in cam position where the nearest object looks much huger.
Unfortunately those are the only images that can be taken whilst they were next to each other, all the other shots from the scene there is no comparison of their length from the same angle. I tend to ignore the dodgy camera angles. I'm convinced Steele at most is 1-1.5 inch bigger than Holmes so he probably is 8.5 inches.

good pic. I used it for some photoshop measurements:

Everhard is about at most 6.5 long.
Steele might be at most 9 long. Bone pressed. At most!
Probably right about 8.5 bone pressed.
Do we have any ideas about everhards girth which seems rather big espacially compared to Steele?
What scene is your pic from?
I agree with most of this, Everhard is probably 6.5" max and Steele would be about 8.5 correctly measured.

The scene is Kacey in 'gangbang auditions 7', it was an old scene for anabolic. In the scene is many other male porn actors and all of them are shorter than Everhard and Steele. There are definitely 6 inch dicks in porn. What's wrong with 6 though? It's big enough. If you watch that scene Mr. Marcus really doesn't look big. He has to be 6.5 max as well and John Strong can't be anymore than 6 inches. Sorry I have no idea about girth size, I was only interested in length.

I have attached another image of Everhard and Steele. I think what we have said and loads of other people in this thread have said is entirely accurate, 6.5" for Everhard and 8.5" for Steele. Remember though that Steele is over 6ft tall, so his dick will nearly always stand above others which makes it look bigger. Steve Holmes is 6ft so it was interesting to see him close to Steele. I doubt Steele is much bigger than Criss Strokes either, unfortunately they have not done a scene together.


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Again this is not measurement photograph so apologies but this is interesting. Sorry the image is not perfectly clear either but the only comparison that could be taken.

This is from a rare scene (the only scene?) of Julian Rios and Sean Michaels together with Jewel Denyle. It has been argued on this thread already that Michaels is just over 8 inches based on a measurement with a bottle. I think this is accurate. I think Rios is 7.5 inches based on the attached image. He has much bigger girth than Michaels though but I am not going to attempt to work out his girth size. I will leave that to any pros here? :smile:


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No prob we can make educated guesses with female hands..
I have attached another image of Everhard and Steele. I think what we have said and loads of other people in this thread have said is entirely accurate, 6.5" for Everhard and 8.5" for Steele. Remember though that Steele is over 6ft tall, so his dick will nearly always stand above others which makes it look bigger. Steve Holmes is 6ft so it was interesting to see him close to Steele. I doubt Steele is much bigger than Criss Strokes either, unfortunately they have not done a scene together.

I assume thsi is another scene with another girls? If so please name her or the movie...helps in comparing

Attached the "measured" pic. It reveals almost exactly the same proportions as in the previous pic. Legitimate, almost exact, 3 hander on Lex steele. But to 90% not longer then 9 inches.

I saw often Lex steele is about 6.5 thick which cant be as the girl in belwo pic almsot get her hand around him. Everhard might be about that girth but probably more like 6.2.


People on this site need to do a better job of specifying whether they are talking "bone pressed" or "non bone pressed". People throw around numbers all over the place here, but never specify, and if you don't specify, those values are meaningless. The difference between BP and NBP measurements on people can sometimes surpass an entire inch.
This is from a rare scene (the only scene?) of Julian Rios and Sean Michaels together with Jewel Denyle. It has been argued on this thread already that Michaels is just over 8 inches based on a measurement with a bottle. I think this is accurate. I think Rios is 7.5 inches based on the attached image. He has much bigger girth than Michaels though but I am not going to attempt to work out his girth size. I will leave that to any pros here? :smile:

Could you get a screen with her on a hard sean michaels(alone ok too)?

Not sure on the girth from this pic as there is vantage point lense deviation.
Also Micheals is not very hard,but probably still about at his max. length.

Rios is probably more like 6.8. Would be interesting to see everhard with the same girl or rios with the hand of a girl that was already on everhard.
Michaels looks here about 7,8 but not hard so pobably as said about 8.2.

People on this site need to do a better job of specifying whether they are talking "bone pressed" or "non bone pressed". People throw around numbers all over the place here, but never specify, and if you don't specify, those values are meaningless. The difference between BP and NBP measurements on people can sometimes surpass an entire inch.
You are right. But with Pornstars its quiet easy as most of them are ripped. So you dont have that much of a diff.
For example check out my pic below. Rios visible is almost his bone pressed. With these guys yo uoften can see the ligaments.


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Could you get a screen with her on a hard sean michaels(alone ok too)?

Not sure on the girth from this pic as there is vantage point lense deviation.
Also Micheals is not very hard,but probably still about at his max. length.

Rios is probably more like 6.8. Would be interesting to see everhard with the same girl or rios with the hand of a girl that was already on everhard.
Michaels looks here about 7,8 but not hard so pobably as said about 8.2.

You are right. But with Pornstars its quiet easy as most of them are ripped. So you dont have that much of a diff.
For example check out my pic below. Rios visible is almost his bone pressed. With these guys yo uoften can see the ligaments.

Thanks for the reply, but I don't think that's true in the least. Unless someone is literally a skeleton with skin, there will always be at least some gain through bone pressing.

I'm a thin, fit person, and I gain over an inch myself, so I don't think you can rule out any gain at all by bone pressing, even if the person is ripped/fit/skinny.
No prob we can make educated guesses with female hands..

I agree, thanks for your good work on this. I have two very clear pics for comparison, both have hands involved.

The first attached image is Mick Blue with Sean Michaels from a scene with Francesca Jaimes.

The second is Criss Strokes with Sean Michaels from a scene with Roxy Raye.

There is a whole thread on Strokes, the consensus seems to be that he is somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5 inches. I think 6.5" is short changing him. I am exactly 6.6" bone pressed correctly on top and he is longer than me. Going on what I posted on the other thread I concluded 7 inches for him but I noticed you concluded about 7.4"

What would you say the attached image shows for their sizes? Interested in knowing any thoughts on this.


Could you get a screen with her on a hard sean michaels(alone ok too)?
I have posted in my previous post a clear pic of a hand on Michaels and Mick Blue fully hard. But here are some more with his own hand. Sorry I did these a few weeks ago and do not remember the scenes but they are all Michaels. Going by his own hand size on his dick in those pictures I would be skeptical about him being anymore than 8 inches.


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There is a whole thread on Strokes, the consensus seems to be that he is somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5 inches. I think 6.5" is short changing him. I am exactly 6.6" bone pressed correctly on top and he is longer than me. Going on what I posted on the other thread I concluded 7 inches for him but I noticed you concluded about 7.4"

What would you say the attached image shows for their sizes? Interested in knowing any thoughts on this.

The initial OP that led to the thought that Strokes is 6.5 was due to the total misinterpretation of the faulty measurement pic(IMO). The faulty idiot measurement also skewed the opinion into a rather penalizing one ^^

Strokes vs Michaels:

Strokes looks again above 7 inches but never ever above 8. Probably 7.2-7.4
Now Michaels, consistent with the pic before where he didnt appear fully hard(but now does), doesnt have a 3 hander. But as thought already he doesnt get much longer hard which rules out the thought he might be much above 8. I suppose he looks here like 7.6.
All bone pressed meaning more give then it might appear for the eye.
Now interestingly both have rather small girth. I suppose as already said in strokes thread he isnt much more then 5 inches in girth. Which is also the reason why he appears often as so long. Michaels cant be much more then something like 5.5 too. He is black which appears bigger espacially in contrast to light skin.

Strokes physique, curve and unusual ligaments make it hard to measure him while making him look very long. His ligaments give him a big base girth and his wide shape make him appear thicker then he is espacially from above.

Of course deviations come with different handsizes and positions. So the margin of error is rather big. Better indicators would be measurement of 3 different girls with one guy who are all in one picture ^^. According to their heights and relations to each other we could get rather detailed sizes ^^.

Now Mick blue vs Sean Michaels:
This is rather odd now. Michaels has now a 3 hander ^^.
I suppose Francesca Jaimes has very small hands.(which we might find out with other comparisons). Which is also hinted when comparing the girth in the two pics. A quick search shows her to be the woman of Nacho vidal, who is a guy who takes much into appearing bigger then he is ;).
Also Im supposing as it is direct movie screen grab that there is some serious fish eye lensing occuring. Her head/mouth in the middle of the screen looks huge compared to the shoulders and crown. Also the dicks look blown up in the middle of the screen. The photoshopped hands are from the edge of the lense thus not fitting the middle lense effect.
Compare the lense effect to the first photo which is more like a photograph with a more proportional lense.
So while Blue appears bigger then strokes he is probably not. - More like 6,7. And Michaels probably is still no 3 hander.
Girth doesnt lie here much and Blue is about 5 while Michaels looks 5.5 most .

Just saw your additional pics:
...but they are all Michaels. Going by his own hand size on his dick in those pictures I would be skeptical about him being anymore than 8 inches.
I think he is a rather big dude in height, at least porn wise. His hands look rather big and sturdy. He could bonepress about 2,2 hands which might give him right about that. But I agree never much more then 8 inches.


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i dunno, that girl's hands look freakishly small and they're still covering most of the shaft, criss strokes looks to be in the range of 6.75 to 7 max, still not bad at all (nbp)

steve holmes has stated publicly that he's "only" 7.5 and then also said that he doesn't understand why there's so much exaggeration in porn, couldn't agree more
Unless someone is literally a skeleton with skin, there will always be at least some gain through bone pressing.

I'm a thin, fit person, and I gain over an inch myself, so I don't think you can rule out any gain at all by bone pressing, even if the person is ripped/fit/skinny.

True, at my leanest I still have a 3/4" difference, and when I gain some weight it can quickly go over 1".
Is Rico Strong really only 8-8.5 inches? He looks HUGE
First. Only 8 inches? This is huge already. There are not many dicks in the world who are much longer. 8.5 is super rare.
Im a honest hard bone pressed 7.9 and even professional milf whores working all her life didnt see a bigger dick.

I guess the usual thing is going on here..
Rico strong is rather short height wise. (check measured 2 pic below)
He is with Stunning Summer who said to be about 163 cm. But probably less..
Rico isnt much bigger then her. He is never more then 180cm big.

And he is about average girth wise. In now way above 6 girth and probably also not over 5.5 and maybe only about 5.
The moment the woman makes a normal grip they get around easily despite their small hands. You have to know they most the time grip in a way that it looks like it could be a 4 hander. This is on purpose.. But in the heat they often make a normal full hand grip all around.
Of course the less girth the longer it looks.

And he is a huge size actor which means that cameramen and producers take emphasis on making him look as huge as possible.

Looking at the two scenes I analyzed below I cant give him more then 8 inches long and I dont see how he could be much more then 7.5. The woman get around 2 and a half hands on him.

He is probably more like 7.4
. And Im already very gracious in the way I apply the hands..I do it in away that would a resemble bone pressed measurement.

Open for discussion and screens from other scenes(maybe with other actors together..)

Again his size is already huge. But not as huge as they want you to think it is.


dickerdick your post #1694 on the previous page is absolutely brilliant research. I agree with everything you say on those guys. I think we have the truth about their sizes.

Regarding the second attached image that you uploaded of Rico Strong he does not look over 8 inches. I do not have the scene but Strong has been in a scene with Sean Michaels and Michaels was slightly longer.

There is also a joint gangbang scene on the Jules Jordan website where Lexington Steele is longer than Strong.

See my attached image, it backs up your research. He does not have a three hander. I always thought he was 8 inches but based on these photographs from accurate hand size I would put him around 7.4-7.6 inches. I doubt Strong is much longer than Criss Strokes.

The second image has no hands but is useful side view angle. He is nowhere near 13 inches like he claims lol.


Just for fun, Scott Nails Vs Rico Strong. I know the Nails photograph is zoomed in more but they look a similar size.

Also see the measurement photo for Nails. Properly measured I think he is around 7-7.2 inches.


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Just for fun, Scott Nails Vs Rico Strong. I know the Nails photograph is zoomed in more but they look a similar size.

Also see the measurement photo for Nails. Properly measured I think he is around 7-7.2 inches.

Yeah,you cant put their hands on the others cock as the cam etc. are all different. But yes they look similar.
Both are about 2.3 -2,.5 hands on their cock. They are very similar. And both are most probably not more then 8 long and for sure not longer then 8.5. Good catch and comparison!

Nails could be 7.5 long but its hard to figure out where his bone is in the measurement pic. I put in a big red line where I think his pubic bone is.
Do you know which scene this is and who the girl is? Could enable us to make an almost exact measurement.

What is interesting is that Nails appears to have as many other porn guys a rather wide dick in almost exactly 2 inches. This make it appear from top left cam as much bigger and fatter. While from the side cam it looks really long. Any naive porn watcher seeing these two shots within a movie thinks its some uber human monster cock.


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