Measured porn stars??

On the previous page I posted a measurement for Wesley Pipes which was accurate. His max is 8.5".

See attached image for Mandingo and Wesley Pipes together. Yes Mandingo is thicker but is not much longer. This has all been said before by countless other users on this thread and elsewhere on this forum so sorry for regurgitating it but this is just more evidence Mandingo is somewhere between 9-9.5 inches. I was on YouTube the other day though watching a video and there was actually a debate about Mandingo's size and people were claiming he is 14 inches. I know it's impossible to wake some people up from their delusions and fantasies but I am amazed how some people still think this.

Penis size has gotten lost in the taboo abyss of society. And its unlikely to ever change. I honestly think more effort needs to be put into informing people about BS claims and Internet inches. Yes, yes, everyone knows the average is 5-6 inches, but that's all the mainstream media seems to give 2 shits about. Anytime someone sees anything significantly over that, the guesses and claims run wild, and to me at least, it doesn't seem healthy for men in a way. I would assume its not mentally healthy or a good idea to let people believe there are oil tycoons worth trillions out there, or that Einstein had an IQ of 1500, so why is this ok? And then you have people like Jonah Falcon, who is probably the single worst contributor on the planet to this type of crap.

It's never a good idea to let something be and allow people to remain drastically misinformed, especially when it can be tied to the self confidence of so many people.
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Einstein had a IQ of 1501. Also I am worth at least 4 quadrillion dollars. I have it all in pennies.

But seriously a lot of people need heroes, be it celebrities who they worship or how people try to build up their favorite pornstar penis.

Also the average penis size isn't 5-6 inches either. That is the average in the USA. In some countries it is less.

World map of The Penis Size Worldwide (country) by Country - TargetMap

I don't know how accurate it is but here you go. Actually after I looked at it completely I am sure that stuff is bullshit.
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I don't know how accurate it is but here you go. Actually after I looked at it completely I am sure that stuff is bullshit.

Yes it is nonsense their evidence is either made up or taken from studies that rely on self-measurement reporting. They are unreliable and their peer-reviewed scientific data is non-existent. Where are they getting their data from? They have various countries at over 7 inches, lol.

The average size is 5.1–5.9 in length and this has been extensively demonstrated. But just thinking about what that website says if the average man in some of those big countries really were packing 7 inches then there would be like a couple million Johnny Sins walking round in porn. No such thing has happened. :biggrin1:
Well for the most part you are right but the average is still not 5-6 inches. According to everything various Asian countries and middle eastern countries the average is about 4 to 5 inches.

But a countries average being 7 inches? Yeah that is totally bull crap. If that was the case we should get all our dick porn stars from those countries then.
Well for the most part you are right but the average is still not 5-6 inches. According to everything various Asian countries and middle eastern countries the average is about 4 to 5 inches.

But a countries average being 7 inches? Yeah that is totally bull crap. If that was the case we should get all our dick porn stars from those countries then.

4-5 inches huh? why stop there shit lets make the average 2-3. Seems to go down every year. By next year the average will be 0-1 inches. Dont you see whats going on-little dicked people are making up these fake surveys to lower the standards so they look good. Has the dick fairy ever showed up to measure you for these surveys? Not likely

World map of The Penis Size Worldwide (country) by Country - TargetMap

I don't know how accurate it is but here you go. Actually after I looked at it completely I am sure that stuff is bullshit.

Yea Hungary is the biggest in Europe? Have you ever seen their porn they all have small chodes. And those are their biggest and brightest lol. Bullshit doesnt begin to describe that poll.
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DickJagger until you measure every Asian and Middle Eastern person then we will never know. I am telling the info I found. Clearly based on what you see on porn you don't see any Asian guys as big as the top African or European guys. Does that mean there are no guys that size? Nope I am sure there are. But on average based on what I read or the females who date Asian and Middle eastern guys they are shorter on average.
4-5 inches huh? why stop there shit lets make the average 2-3. Seems to go down every year. By next year the average will be 0-1 inches. Dont you see whats going on-little dicked people are making up these fake surveys to lower the standards so they look good. .

so all the smaller guys are coordinating these fake surveys together? i doubt it. the reason the average "seems to go down" is because they're finally conducting accurate, unbiased surveys...rather than relying on self-measurement/self-selection as they did decades ago
Tell me about it areocode604 but that link I sent still had a lot of fake stuff. Various countries average being 7 plus inches. I think Egypt being 6.8 inches when I know people who are from Egypt and say in general Egyptians are on the smaller size.
Einstein had a IQ of 1501. Also I am worth at least 4 quadrillion dollars. I have it all in pennies.

But seriously a lot of people need heroes, be it celebrities who they worship or how people try to build up their favorite pornstar penis.

Also the average penis size isn't 5-6 inches either. That is the average in the USA. In some countries it is less.

World map of The Penis Size Worldwide (country) by Country - TargetMap

I don't know how accurate it is but here you go. Actually after I looked at it completely I am sure that stuff is bullshit.

*sigh* not that old thing.

That map is maybe the most misconstrued, inaccurate "study" based on average penis size floating around the Internet. Seems to be more is a pop culture gimmicky type of thing as opposed than any credible scientific research.

I've read on a couple sites that it wasn't really even a study, it was an online survey, with in most cases, less than 10-20 people responding for each country. So in essence, you could be looking at one guy reporting his penis length for an entire country :rolleyes:

Your run of the mill penis, at least where the vast majority of people on this site reside, and probably close to -- if not everywhere -- in the world, is 5-6 inches.
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Hanginlightbulb how do you know the average penis size for every country and every race is the same unless you measured them?

Clearly every group of people aren't the same height wise, looks wises or anything else wise but you believe every race or country of people all have the same penis size?

Clearly certain groups of people have smaller penis size on average be it Japanese, Chinese, Korea, Iraq or whatever it may be.

The average penis size in this country is 5-6 but the USA isn't the world.

Also do you have any factual evidence to prove your claims? Nope. If you read that post I said "after I looked at that site more I realized it was pretty bogus. But you can find tons of sites similar to that one and they all state the average Korean penis size is 4 inches and I believe India is the same way.
Hanginlightbulb how do you know the average penis size for every country and every race is the same unless you measured them?

Clearly every group of people aren't the same height wise, looks wises or anything else wise but you believe every race or country of people all have the same penis size?

Clearly certain groups of people have smaller penis size on average be it Japanese, Chinese, Korea, Iraq or whatever it may be.

The average penis size in this country is 5-6 but the USA isn't the world.

Also do you have any factual evidence to prove your claims? Nope. If you read that post I said "after I looked at that site more I realized it was pretty bogus. But you can find tons of sites similar to that one and they all state the average Korean penis size is 4 inches and I believe India is the same way.

Not going to make this a race debate. Bottom line, there is no large scale or widely accepted scientific evidence to prove any differences in race.

Some of your posts are starting to just seem extremely insecure and like they're regurgitated crap from what you've read on here before.

Now, back to measured porn stars.
Lol insecure? Because I am telling you every race isn't the same but you want to believe they are? Can you name me some Asian porn stars who are as big as Mandingo or Matt Hughes? Sure we know porn isn't reality but if every race was the same wouldn't their be a Asian or Middle Eastern version of Mandingo? Find one then you can claim every race is the same.

I am giving you websites you are just giving me your opinion with no proof. I am not trying to make it a race thing. You said the average penis size is 5-6 inches and I am telling you that is only in some countries.

But you are right lets get back to measured porn stars.
Lol insecure? Because I am telling you every race isn't the same but you want to believe they are? Can you name me some Asian porn stars who are as big as Mandingo or Matt Hughes? Sure we know porn isn't reality but if every race was the same wouldn't their be a Asian or Middle Eastern version of Mandingo? Find one then you can claim every race is the same.

I am giving you websites you are just giving me your opinion with no proof. I am not trying to make it a race thing. You said the average penis size is 5-6 inches and I am telling you that is only in some countries.

But you are right lets get back to measured porn stars.

Did you seriously just use porn as a real world reference? Your posts get progressively more ridiculous with every day. There are undoubtedly Asian men as big and bigger than both of them, you simply don't see it because its only white and black men that are marketable in porn. Combine that with the fact their culture (at least in the west) does not consume the amount of porn that European or African Americans do, it's just not as widely accepted in their culture.

I can't believe you legitimately think there aren't extremely well endowed asian men, simply because there doesn't happen to be one in the porn industry.

Also, I just explained, your "website" is about as big of a crock of shit as you could find related to average penis sizes.
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Combine that with the fact their culture (at least in the west) does not consume the amount of porn that European or African Americans do, it's just not as widely accepted in their culture.

What? Have you heard of hentai? You could say their industry is a bit more taboo (they do censor) but I think it's fairly equal having lived in Yokasuka, Japan for a while.

Also African Americans? Did you mean Americans in general? Since roughly 12-13% of America is considered African American I doubt that they are major consumers in the porn industry specifically.
What? Have you heard of hentai? You could say their industry is a bit more taboo (they do censor) but I think it's fairly equal having lived in Yokasuka, Japan for a while.

Also African Americans? Did you mean Americans in general? Since roughly 12-13% of America is considered African American I doubt that they are major consumers in the porn industry specifically.

I said African and European Americans. Essentially white and black people. Did you miss that?

And just because there is "hentai" porn doesn't mean that they consume any more or less porn. I know they watch porn, as every race does. What I meant was that I believe they're less likely to get involved with the industry than are other races.

These were just side points anyway, the main point I was trying to get across is that this 1punch guy is clueless if he thinks there aren't asian men as big or bigger than every porn star just because he isn't seeing them in his fap-material.
Yea Hungary is the biggest in Europe? Have you ever seen their porn they all have small chodes. And those are their biggest and brightest lol. Bullshit doesnt begin to describe that poll.

Wait what? You've actually seen Hungarian porn? Where? How did you know it was Hungarian?

Refute the map by all means but come up with something better than this bullshit
Hanginglightbulb can you read? clearly you can't did I say there aren't well endowed Asian guys? Did I say porn is reality? Not too bright are you?

I said we know porn is a fantasy but you still never see well endowed Asian or Middle Eastern pornstars.

Do you have pictures or videos proving their are Asians and middle Eastern guys being bigger than Mandingo or Matt Hughes? I think not.

So basically what you are doing is assuming without proof. So let me ignore you because nothing you say has any importance to me.
I said African and European Americans. Essentially white and black people. Did you miss that?

And just because there is "hentai" porn doesn't mean that they consume any more or less porn. I know they watch porn, as every race does. What I meant was that I believe they're less likely to get involved with the industry than are other races.

I've never heard the term European Americans because most whites are pretty far removed from that and if they aren't their probably foreigners directly or second generation. Secondly not all blacks are African American in America and not every African American is black in America.

To add a point in your debate. Race has nothing to do with penis size but genes probably help.