Experimental Member
On the previous page I posted a measurement for Wesley Pipes which was accurate. His max is 8.5".
See attached image for Mandingo and Wesley Pipes together. Yes Mandingo is thicker but is not much longer. This has all been said before by countless other users on this thread and elsewhere on this forum so sorry for regurgitating it but this is just more evidence Mandingo is somewhere between 9-9.5 inches. I was on YouTube the other day though watching a video and there was actually a debate about Mandingo's size and people were claiming he is 14 inches. I know it's impossible to wake some people up from their delusions and fantasies but I am amazed how some people still think this.
Penis size has gotten lost in the taboo abyss of society. And its unlikely to ever change. I honestly think more effort needs to be put into informing people about BS claims and Internet inches. Yes, yes, everyone knows the average is 5-6 inches, but that's all the mainstream media seems to give 2 shits about. Anytime someone sees anything significantly over that, the guesses and claims run wild, and to me at least, it doesn't seem healthy for men in a way. I would assume its not mentally healthy or a good idea to let people believe there are oil tycoons worth trillions out there, or that Einstein had an IQ of 1500, so why is this ok? And then you have people like Jonah Falcon, who is probably the single worst contributor on the planet to this type of crap.
It's never a good idea to let something be and allow people to remain drastically misinformed, especially when it can be tied to the self confidence of so many people.
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