Measured porn stars??

Midnightrun I just downloaded the scene so I will uploaded it here. Her name is Maggie Mathews and I know she measured Ice Cold in the video too. I think she measured a few guys. But how do I upload videos saved from my computer?

You cannot upload videos here and to be honest I am not a fan of cuckold porn I am just searching for measurements and those came up. If you want to upload the video try a porn tube uploading website. The stuff in cuckold is pretty degenerative and freaky, most of the cucks are gay. Of course I am not homophobic but they do weird stuff in those movies which is off putting. I am not sure who the target audience is but I am unconvinced it is a totally straight audience. I would watch it if it was a big white cock with a black girl though :wink:

Info on Maggie Matthews here, which probably contains more info about the measurement scene:

Maggie Matthews, Pornstar -
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See attached for the Jack Napier measurement. It could be a fake ruler but even if it isn't the measurement total actually makes sense. He's measured about 9.5" from the side and he is at his best there. Correctly measured he is probably around 8.5 inches. He has got older now and he doesn't look as big in his scenes as he used to. On some of those recent scenes he has done for dogfart he is around 8" I would say as Wesley Pipes was longer and he has been measured at 8.5". Of course he has always looked so big because of his large girth. It would be interesting if he did a joint scene with White Pony :eek:


I think it's the hands that are screwing me up on that yellow ruler thing. If you look at ten inches on an actual ruler, it's a long-ass stretch of length. For it to be proportionate in width and anywhere near ten inches long, it would look like a horse in the hands of a girl (porn girl or human girl). Somehow that shot just looks more like what a girl hand would look like with a seven inch dick in it at that downward angle. - I'm sure he's way over seven, I'm just saying something doesn't add up.

I guess you'd really have to know how much they're cheating by to give the ruler the benefit of the doubt though. Looks like there are several things at play there.

I am not a fan of cuckold porn I am just searching for measurements and those came up.
I definitely don't recommend that Maggie Matthews crap that shot is from. Looks like a plastic idiot, the acting is horrible and the "measurements" are absolutely ridiculous. She also measures the cuck guy with a different ruler. I realize this stuff is aimed at guys who get off on being small (or want to believe that they do), but I can't imagine what effect it might have on someone who was small and insecure about it. It would take a certain type to create it. Shit on 'em. :biggrin1:

Take Care
Agreed Shepardson. But in one video she measured Ice Cold and even though she had the ruler underneath his balls. You can still get a good guess on his size. I would say about 8 inches or so.

Cuckolds in general is hilarious to me. Why would a man want to see his wife or girlfriend in the real world bang a guy in front of her. Some guys have weird fetishes.

Lol I can't even get the foot fetish thing either.

I think he's just saying Mark Ashley is around seven. Not the other two.

It's amazing that Matt Hughes can look like that in some pictures and this in others (I still go with 'pumped' unless he had some sort of weird growth spurt):


Yep I said Danny D and Clover are around the same size and Mark Ashley is around 7.

I always thought Danny D/Matt Hughes looked like a pumper. That being said I think most people who aren't idiots peg him around the 8.5 inch mark.
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I'd go for 8.5 - 9.5, kinda hard to tell in some pics/vids but when he gets semi, he can helicopter easily and hangs amazingly

There is only one measurement photograph for Danny D. Unfortunately like all measurements there is cheating going on. See the attachment.

He does get 9.5" or close to that and he is at his best there but you cannot see where the tape starts. They have done this on purpose. Based on all the other evidence (I will post some pics later) he is most likely 8.5" max.


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But in one video she measured Ice Cold and even though she had the ruler underneath his balls. You can still get a good guess on his size. I would say about 8 inches or so.

The ruler is definitely fake but if that is Ice Cold in the right picture in the attachment then yes he probably is around 8-8.5 inches which is a similar size to Sean Michaels, Lexington Steele or Danny D.


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See attached images of Chris Diamond. We have no measurement photographs so we can only go by estimation. He is over 7 inches because he was in a scene with Nacho Vidal and he was longer but I doubt he is longer than 7.5". Any thoughts?


Mick Blue was measured in a recent scene he did. Unfortunately we cannot see the numbers on the tape. :rolleyes:

See attached photo. I doubt he is anymore than 7".


What about Lex Steele's length and girth? I think I'm pretty comparable to him

See attached image for the measurement. Lex was measured there just over 9" but it was a side measurement. Correctly measured he would be 8.5".

Some other users in this thread have said the porn actress was holding the tape 2" away from his leg and that in total he would be 7 or 7.5" inches. This is not the case. There is no need to try and undermine him. We all know he is nowhere near the 11 inches like he claims but he clearly is 8.5". He is the same size as Danny D in my opinion and these are some of the biggest dicks in the porn industry.

And yes going by your own photos you look a similar length to him.


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Midnightrun but do you have a picture of Nacho Vidal being measured at 7? You do make good estimates so I will take your word for it.

Nope, unfortunately no measurement photograph for Nacho Vidal, but he has been in scenes with men who have been measured. There are two measurement photographs of Mark Ashley being measured at 7". Nacho is the same size as Ashley. Chris Diamond recently did a joint scene with Nacho and he was longer than him. Nacho does have huge girth though.

In the first attached photograph you can see that Nacho's moulded dildo is a lot larger than his real dick. In the second attached photograph you can see what his dick looks like without all the camera trickery. I am sure that many others users here would agree he is no longer than 7".
