Measured porn stars??

View attachment 2118572 View attachment 2118572

Here’s a photo of a gay porn star who’s endowed with a giant dick... My guess is that he’s maybe 9.5-inches + I think he has a girth of at least 7.5-inch circumference. I possess a huge dick at close to 7-inch circumference... But he’s the biggest I’ve ever seen! What do you estimate his dick size?

Lmaoooo yall got to be trolling now
This is Rob Piper measured at 8 inches NBEL with a tailor tape on top.

1st pic

2nd pic

As you can see she hovers the tape on top, and you can clearly see her left hand holds a measurement and the right hand holds a measurement, in between is 6 inches of tape that can be placed right underneath his glands and very close to his base.
The rest is a matter of adding the last 2 inches for his glands and tiny piece left to accommodate for his base.
Keep in mind, the tape with right hand is further away from the camera and the penis, thus the appearance may actually mean he is a bit less than 8
Also depending on people’s view on where the NBPEL should be measured, you may actually give him slight less than 8, I give him the benifit of the doubt and give him 8.

Feel free to switch from photo 1 to photo 2 as you see everything remains in place. @Godzilla @Lance Bass @strivingforperfection @Ready4more

That picture of Flash brown you posted, where are his balls? Could you place a line as to where you believe his penis base would be and where his balls are? It looks to me that his balls are at 8 measurement, then what does that mean NBPEL?

Because I have these photos of Flash Brown being measured by a ruler on the side. The dots on the ruler count as CM, and his penis and his balls meet up about 20 cm, 21 cm giving him the benifit of the doubt and pushing it in. Also, the ruler isn’t straight on his penis and rather leans on him to potentially give him more length, and the tip of he ruler isn’t exactly at the tip of his penis, but that’s just me being a hard ass, realisticly here he is about 21cm to 20 cm on the side, making him 8-7.75 ish on top.

Look for yourself:
Go from tip to bottom and keep an eye on not his crease of his leg but also bottom base of his penis where it meets his balls, and focus on the other one ( I did thus giving him his max) keep your eyes on his penis base right at the balls, potentially into them, and then see the ruler by his side. And you will see he is at 20 cm on the side, with the aformented notes in mind. If we want to be generous then give the man 21 cm and done. It may be a bit blurry but they key points (the ruler CMs, and the penis base a bit underneath the balls) are still in full view. And this helps us nail him down for his size.

Lastly, since he is found at 8.25 on the side, I find people typically give him the 8 when given the range of 8.00-7.75 after measured on the side 8.25 but when Jason Brown was measured 8 on the side, there are people that give him 7.5 when he has a range of 7.75-7.5 due to measuring 8 on the side.
Same thing with Rob Piper and Alex Jones. They both have been measured at 8 NBEL with tape, but another measurement photo has Alex Jones at 7.75 with a hard tape leading to him being boneprrssed at 8.25ish. So if he is BPEL at 8.25 his NBEL is 8.00-7.75, whatever that range may be Rob Piper would have to be there with him, because they have nearly identical length size especially with the measured photos.

I told him the same exact thing pages back with these same pictures he still wants piper to be 9 when it’s clear he’s 8 he keeps saying we don’t want any pornstars to clear 8 which is false,Mandingo,Lex,BOZ,John Depth,Dredd,Julio,Danny D,Jack Napier,etc all clear 8 or more,just not Rob Piper lol @goldzilla proof right in your face so if you choose to deny it then that’s on you
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And right below i am pretty positive is Flash brown


I could admit Rob piper is more than 8.0 but this 9 inch stuff is garbage. That is mandingo size, at MAX mandingo is 9.5 inches NBP and even then that is hard to buy id lean more towards 9.25 NBP for mandingo. Him, julio gomez, mr 18, and dredd are in their own category.

Chris Strokes I think is 7.5, 7.6 inches, i never bought the 7.25 crap because that is what Kieran lee was measured at several times. Apparently Lee has grown though probably via ligament lengthening.

What is your blog called?

Not all ´real dildo´measurements are accurate. Shane diesel is, many others are. Rob Piper i get varied results on internet saying 9 to 10 inches insertable and 6.75 inch girth. Like he is not that big or thick.

Post better pictures of Rob Piper i would be willing to re analyze and hand analysis test

Rob has been proven at 8 with that tailor tape,he’s not 9 not even close to it
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View attachment 2118572 View attachment 2118572

Here’s a photo of a gay porn star who’s endowed with a giant dick... My guess is that he’s maybe 9.5-inches + I think he has a girth of at least 7.5-inch circumference. I possess a huge dick at close to 7-inch circumference... But he’s the biggest I’ve ever seen! What do you estimate his dick size?

If you think he's 7.5 girth then your "close to 7 girth" Is probably more like "close to 5.5 girth"
@tdnet I looked at your photos and your dick isn't even near 6 girth let alone 7.
...And since you’re such a expert on dick size... Why don’t you share photos of your endowment? Most of the Cock Police here, or so called experts on penis size, never hav photos of there cock... Go figure that? LPSG is supposed to be about support,; and all I’ve experienced here is jealously.
...And since you’re such a expert on dick size... Why don’t you share photos of your endowment? Most of the Cock Police here, or so called experts on penis size, never hav photos of there cock... Go figure that? LPSG is supposed to be about support,; and all I’ve experienced here is jealously.

You made a claim that was demonstrably false by one glance. It is as simple as that.
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