I'm glad to see this thread because I've been wondering about this topic, too. Like maybe I somehow missed an 11th commandment of "though shalt not show your dick at the gym." When I was growing up, and in my college years, NOT showing going naked at the gym usually meant you had a small dick or were worried about getting aroused. There was sort of this unwritten "real men don't cover up" mentality. But in the past several years, I've seen a lot more of the towel dance people mention here. I've sort of struck a compromise when I'm changing in the lockerroom where I lean forward, take my shorts off, and wrap my towel around me as I'm standing up, so as not to offend anyone's delicate sensibilities, but still not give in completely to puritanism. I've also noticed quite a few guys who, frankly, no one would really be that interested in seeing completely naked who seem to be worrying about it the most. Sometimes it's hard to keep from laughing at how much effort they put into it, but at the end of the day, everyone should just do what they're comfortable with.