Men who like to wear briefs and other smaller underwear

I wore briefs till I was 14 or so switched to boxers till probably 16. Wore boxers briefs till my early 30 always found them uncomfortable took about 6 months to total get used to briefs again now 40 and own only briefs from full coverage regular tightly whites to low rise and bikinis never Been more comfortable. I live in the northeast as far as I know most of the guys I know were boxers or boxers briefs. I have very large thighs. Boxer briefs always road up on me and uncomfortable!
thanks for your answer, i agree brief style underwear are much more comfortable as you mentioned you wear bikini underwear as well, so have u gotten any bad comments or looks from your friends, comments like you must be gay to wear this, etc etc..
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In my gym changing rooms there are quite a lot of guys that wear briefs, both bikini style and fly front. All are 40+ years old except for a couple of times when I’ve seen younger. Majority wear tighter boxers but I would say 25% wear briefs.
I’ve never heard any comments but I wouldn’t expect to in the changing room environment.
It seems to me that for now at least, boxer-briefs and trunks are here to stay. That said, I have noticed an increase in lads wearing briefs (bikini style)

I think this might come from footballers, as most professional players these days seem to wear briefs. I’ve seen this emulated in the changing room of my local sport centre, where a few local amateur teams change to use the pitches. Men in their teens up to their 30s will change out of their day wear (usually boxer-briefs) into briefs for their practice games.

Fashions tend to come and go, so I am in hope that sooner or later skimpier underwear will become the norm again.
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It seems to me that for now at least, boxer-briefs and trunks are here to stay. That said, I have noticed an increase in lads wearing briefs (bikini style)

I think this might come from footballers, as most professional players these days seem to wear briefs. I’ve seen this emulated in the changing room of my local sport centre, where a few local amateur teams change to use the pitches. Men in their teens up to their 30s will change out of their day wear (usually boxer-briefs) into briefs for their practice games.

Fashions tend to come and go, so I am in hope that sooner or later skimpier underwear will become the norm again.
Good to hear some lads in the UK wear briefs! Most of them at my gym wear boxers - around 99% I’d say! Do see briefs very occasionally!
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It seems to me that for now at least, boxer-briefs and trunks are here to stay. That said, I have noticed an increase in lads wearing briefs (bikini style)

I think this might come from footballers, as most professional players these days seem to wear briefs. I’ve seen this emulated in the changing room of my local sport centre, where a few local amateur teams change to use the pitches. Men in their teens up to their 30s will change out of their day wear (usually boxer-briefs) into briefs for their practice games.

Fashions tend to come and go, so I am in hope that sooner or later skimpier underwear will become the norm again.
The sooner the change back occurs ,the better lol
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boxers are supremely boring... so are board shorts. I kinda take a gender neutral/sexual view - if you like women in thongs etc and shaved, why not men? That said, it is the teens here in Minn. who are leading the way.. teen/women/girls getting nicely small in swimsuits, very nice. Guys, still stuck in board shorts. When I go on the boat, first thing I do is put on a tiny suit!
It's hot where I live, so the less material the better. Who cares what people think when I am comfortable?

In particular, these bikinis separate the shaft from the balls so you don't feel as sweaty all day. They also make you bulge out nicely. I have 4 of them that I wear regularly.


Think it seemed to change in the US around 1990-ish where the clothes started getting baggier.

I was watching a porn video from 1970 several years ago (can't find it anymore) of a college-aged orgy, maybe 30-40 people, and every guy and girl wore briefs, mostly white, and many guys wore bikini style briefs.

Back then boxers were grandpa underwear because they covered everything and many kids who wore them would get teased.

When I grew up in the 00s, I was one of the few who wore briefs, at least at urban schools. In rural schools, briefs were still fairly popular. I remember in 5th, 6th grade, we'd sometimes talk about the kind of briefs that we wear hahaha. Last decade and now you see more briefs in locker rooms, and now styles seems to be getting more form-fitting again.