I remember for a while he would answer his own DMs. I cant imagine hes doing so anymore even tho he somewhat recently put out a video claiming he would never outsource his DMs to anyone else. I will say if he is outsourcing then the outsourcer is texting back in his style. How do we really know?
AI is becoming a smarter and can now understand "a brands" tone and adjust accordingly. Outsourcing DMs is a very smart "passive income" strategy, meaning he (and other OF models) is making money ALL THE TIME, sometimes literally while he sleeps. I am sure all of these models have done the math and realize their subscribers/follower numbers will not drop as a result of this - they might not BUY PPVs, but they were likely not going to buy anyway. It is a win-win strategy.
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I remember for a while he would answer his own DMs. I cant imagine hes doing so anymore even tho he somewhat recently put out a video claiming he would never outsource his DMs to anyone else. I will say if he is outsourcing then the outsourcer is texting back in his style. How do we really know?
Well he's never going to admit it as the simps pay because they think he's replying.

It's very common these days to get AI to reply and take a bank of photos as most of the things people say are pretty predictable and if sometimes they get a photo back it helps fool people.
AI is becoming a smarter and can now understand "a brands" tone and adjust accordingly. Outsourcing DMs is a very smart "passive income" strategy, meaning he (and other OF models) is making money ALL THE TIME, sometimes literally while he sleeps. I am sure all of these models have done the math and realize their subscribers/follower numbers will not drop as a result of this - they might not BUY PPVs, but they were likely not going to buy anyway. It is a win-win strategy.
I've actually tested him several times and our conversations have always seemed consistent and have a human tone but regardless - Onlyfans actually doesn't allow AI on the platform...they've faced countless lawsuits and their platform prohibits impersonation and use of AI specifically. Im a VIP and have spent 5 figures throughout the years so it was a concern of mine but no need to worry! All the speculation is heresy.

Fanvue, fansly, and justforfans, is a different story... particularly Fanvue!
I've actually tested him several times and our conversations have always seemed consistent and have a human tone but regardless - Onlyfans actually doesn't allow AI on the platform
That's AI generated content.

Only fans has no idea if people are using a chat bot to reply or a team of remote workers in India to reply.

The guy is always online and so many of his 80'000 subscribers get replies from him that they think are genuine. It aint real.
That's AI generated content.

Only fans has no idea if people are using a chat bot to reply or a team of remote workers in India to reply.

The guy is always online and so many of his 80'000 subscribers get replies from him that they think are genuine. It aint real.
I don't think you read what i said... Onlyfans doesn't allow AI. You don't think they as a platform are going to be extra protective over what makes their platform unique and brings in tons of revenue? They wouldn't jeopardize that. The minute they allow AI on their platform the entire platform will tank. There have been articles, interviews, lawsuits, etc regarding the matter. The platform doesn't want consumers to leave. They aren't going to jeopardize themselves like that it's already been established.

It's like Tiktok supposedly getting banned...and the US being okay with it and Facebook/Meta (mark zuck) are elated for it to be banned because it would benefit them and keep benefitting the US agenda. Tiktok doesn't benefit the US agenda because its chinese platform.

Allowing AI on the OF platform does not benefit the OF agenda and they know this. The ethos of their entire company was to bridge the gap between creators/models and their fans. They aren't going to shoot themselves in the foot. Also it's a UK based company for those that don't already know which means there are different laws and regulations compared to the US.. (But i digress)..

Lets just say that what you're saying is correct would you be able to back that up? Genuinely curious....
I don't think you read what i said... Onlyfans doesn't allow AI. You don't think they as a platform are going to be extra protective over what makes their platform unique and brings in tons of revenue? They wouldn't jeopardize that. The minute they allow AI on their platform the entire platform will tank. There have been articles, interviews, lawsuits, etc regarding the matter. The platform doesn't want consumers to leave. They aren't going to jeopardize themselves like that it's already been established.

It's like Tiktok supposedly getting banned...and the US being okay with it and Facebook/Meta (mark zuck) are elated for it to be banned because it would benefit them and keep benefitting the US agenda. Tiktok doesn't benefit the US agenda because its chinese platform.

Allowing AI on the OF platform does not benefit the OF agenda and they know this. The ethos of their entire company was to bridge the gap between creators/models and their fans. They aren't going to shoot themselves in the foot. Also it's a UK based company for those that don't already know which means there are different laws and regulations compared to the US.. (But i digress)..

Lets just say that what you're saying is correct would you be able to back that up? Genuinely curious....
I will admit that I don't know a lot of this, but I am always looking to learn, particularly since this exact question/debate is happening across dozens of "model/influencer" threads regarding their OF.

I guess if "the ethos of their entire company was to bridge the gap between creators/models and their fans", haven't they already started going down the wrong path by allowing models to hire agencies? Many of these models are outsourcing (offshoring) their engagement with fans.

Also, I can see OF being able to detect and ban an entire OF account using an AI Agent to generate pics and messages but I was thinking more about the agencies using AI (at their end) to generate the replies in tone/style more aligned to the model and then doing some good ol' fashion "copying and pasting".

Again, there might be super technical answers here and that's fine. I for one, tried OF years ago and it was not for me. I'd rather slide into their DMs (when possible) and set something up that way.
110% OF can detect that. At the beginning of their popularity they were facing issues with minors 15-17 year olds creating accounts to sell nudes and make cash using fake ids.. because lord knows high schoolers have fake ID's its not uncommon. They VERY quickly did everything they could do on their end to nip that in the butt and now they have things in place to avoid that issue...then it was the "collab" problem. If you were selling sex tapes with someone else in the video who was not an OF creator that became an issue because some people were recording sex without their partners consent and putting it on OF without them knowing and that became a whole thing. That problem was solved..years ago!
And now same thing with AI.. anything that will hurt the OF business model, hurt the brand, make customers want to leave and go elsewhere they have BEEN aware about. Trust that it's already been dealt with. There are places where you can have cyber sex and talk to a legit AI sexting robot... if thats anybodys cup of tea... Fanvue is one of them however that's not the case with OF.

I understand it not being your thing anymore and prefer to slide into their dms but how is that different compared to sliding into their DM's through OF? Be it their instagram, twitter, even email or whatever.. its kinda of the same really if you think about it in terms of the access to the creator.
the agencies using AI (at their end) to generate the replies in tone/style more aligned to the model and then doing some good ol' fashion "copying and pasting".
Exactly, they already all use agencies so the idea that you've got a 1 on 1 relationship with the creator is gone. OF has no idea if the person typing is the creator or someone they've farmed it out to.

People want to believe they're paying to get their messages seen and replied to by the person.
I will say that his AI or whatever he is using to respond to me personally comes off a bit less fake lol. Ive seen the AI or outsourcing responses from other creators before and its laughable that they think that it could pass as actually them

So what happens when ppl order customs with him? The employee just relays the desired custom details over to him and he sends a video of what they want?
I will say that his AI or whatever he is using to respond to me personally comes off a bit less fake lol. Ive seen the AI or outsourcing responses from other creators before and its laughable that they think that it could pass as actually them

So what happens when ppl order customs with him? The employee just relays the desired custom details over to him and he sends a video of what they want?
I can't speak for him but in most cases the outsourced agency has a small set of pre-made videos of likely requests (underwear shot, JO, cum shot) and the agency will try to "persuade" the requester to something that aligns with one of those ("would you rather see me cum? it's hotter!"). I guess if the $ is high enough they might go to the model with the info.