Misha Collins

He married young. 27. Around the time he started out acting. He just got divorced a couple years ago. So they could exist on someone's phone. but i doubt it.
Wait he got divorced? I don't remember reading anything on that. All the articles I see are just speculation
He's talked about it briefly at conventions. https://twitter.com/FangasmSPN/status/1604202977018912771?t=Zv1DivniGk3T72u64gCM6w&s=19 Wrote about it in his poetry book.
Amazon showed a preview of his book before release that showed a page on his foreword. He talked about how he was separated.
It was quite a shock to the fandom since they've known each other since HS.
Then they probably finalized the divorce over the pandemic years. Seemed amicable enough. No Hollywood DRAMA there.
Still, it makes one sad sometimes.
Amazon showed a preview of his book before release that showed a page on his foreword. He talked about how he was separated.
It was quite a shock to the fandom since they've known each other since HS.
Then they probably finalized the divorce over the pandemic years. Seemed amicable enough. No Hollywood DRAMA there.
Still, it makes one sad sometimes.
He's pretty private about his family life. so he doesn't really go into depth (not that he should), he mentions it in passing.
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