Okay, so.. strap in. And please remember- this is a GENUINE situation that I am currently living through and everything posted is true. You honestly couldn’t make this up…!
YESTERDAY (Saturday afternoon)
Hubby: I’ve Just had Martin on the phone (His brother, Jake’s dad)
Me: Oh yea? How’s things with him?
Hubby: All good. He was calling to ask if we’d have Jake stay at ours for a few nights in a couple of weeks’ time
Me: Um… why?
Hubby: He’s doing some sort of work experience at {enter local outdoor activity centre located 6 miles from our house here} and wondered if we’d have him stay over as it’s closer to us than it is to their house, and therefore more convenient for Jake to get to
Me: ….
Hubby: What’s wrong? It’ll only be Thursday to Tuesday ..
Now at this point, I’m a little puzzled, to say the least. As previously mentioned, despite his keen interest in sport, Jake’s projected career path has always been architecture and not, as this work experience suggests, outdoor pursuits. But apparently, according to Martin, since arriving back from his college skiing trip, Jake has decided he’d like to get experience working with children in an outdoor setting in addition to, and not instead of, his current curricular studies. The perfect place to do this (now this is important) according to Jake, is the outdoor activity centre located in the next village along from where we live. Jake told Martin that this place is “perfect” for him to work at.
In light of recent developments, I was obviously dumbfounded when Paul (hubby) was telling me this, but of course, had to act nonchalant and even agreeable. Naturally, Paul wholeheartedly, and very generously said we’d be delighted to welcome Jake into our home for a few nights in order for him to gain this valuable experience.
Am I reading too much into the fact that Jake has asked his dad to contact us to ask if he can stay a few nights? Or is this activity centre going to provide a genuine, character-building place that he can embrace and grow from?
Sub note: Jake and I have had more conversations on Snap since my last post; he’s sent some selfies and mirror shots too which I imagine were sent not just to me, but to multiple accounts on his friends list too.
Like I said, is it a legitimate request, or am I thinking too much into this??