Mr Exotic - Therealmrexotic

I've no idea how often I"ve seen this crap with closeted religious guys, but it's too many times. Public displays of faith that attempt to soothe the inner turmoil. Christ commanded his followers to be humble in one's worship - posting it on Insta is hardly freaking humble. It's amazing how much people grow once they ditch religion - he's got much more room for personal growth but he won't reach his potential while he's tortured by a non existing god. Either way, it's for him to deal with, we can't help him, we can only observe.
Religion has always been a refuge for people with fear, trauma and shame. A lot of major-major pornstars have turned to religion - isn't Rocco Reed a pastor now?

It's not surprising - I think doing onlyfans takes an enormous emotional and psychological toll on people that doesn't get spoken about that much - and there seems to be a constant need for performers to push their boundaries and do things they might not have been comfortable doing at the start of their careers. It's their choice, but it can bring shame. Because the hotter ones make so much money, a lot of subscribers/viewers become resentful to them (you can read it in here on almost every page). The combo must be pretty isolating.

An onlyfans performer killed himself a week ago. He'd had struggles and there were reports of him being a bit unreliable and volatile with people, although there are two-sides to every story and thread posts are a bit one-sided so who really knows. Everyone's an angel in their version of stories. When you scroll through his thread there are some pretty vile comments that people have posted. The comments in this thread are a LOT more negative, unrelentingly so.

If his turn to religion does reflect where he is emotionally and psychologically, I'd recommend people in this thread start being a bit kinder, more empathetic, and just less complainy. In the scheme of things, someone not getting a 5 minute video to jerk off to is less important than a human being's mental wellbeing, and continued existence on this earth.
Religion has always been a refuge for people with fear, trauma and shame. A lot of major-major pornstars have turned to religion - isn't Rocco Reed a pastor now?

It's not surprising - I think doing onlyfans takes an enormous emotional and psychological toll on people that doesn't get spoken about that much - and there seems to be a constant need for performers to push their boundaries and do things they might not have been comfortable doing at the start of their careers. It's their choice, but it can bring shame. Because the hotter ones make so much money, a lot of subscribers/viewers become resentful to them (you can read it in here on almost every page). The combo must be pretty isolating.

An onlyfans performer killed himself a week ago. He'd had struggles and there were reports of him being a bit unreliable and volatile with people, although there are two-sides to every story and thread posts are a bit one-sided so who really knows. Everyone's an angel in their version of stories. When you scroll through his thread there are some pretty vile comments that people have posted. The comments in this thread are a LOT more negative, unrelentingly so.

If his turn to religion does reflect where he is emotionally and psychologically, I'd recommend people in this thread start being a bit kinder, more empathetic, and just less complainy. In the scheme of things, someone not getting a 5 minute video to jerk off to is less important than a human being's mental wellbeing, and continued existence on this earth.
Nah it’s just ego.
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Religion has always been a refuge for people with fear, trauma and shame. A lot of major-major pornstars have turned to religion - isn't Rocco Reed a pastor now?

It's not surprising - I think doing onlyfans takes an enormous emotional and psychological toll on people that doesn't get spoken about that much - and there seems to be a constant need for performers to push their boundaries and do things they might not have been comfortable doing at the start of their careers. It's their choice, but it can bring shame. Because the hotter ones make so much money, a lot of subscribers/viewers become resentful to them (you can read it in here on almost every page). The combo must be pretty isolating.

An onlyfans performer killed himself a week ago. He'd had struggles and there were reports of him being a bit unreliable and volatile with people, although there are two-sides to every story and thread posts are a bit one-sided so who really knows. Everyone's an angel in their version of stories. When you scroll through his thread there are some pretty vile comments that people have posted. The comments in this thread are a LOT more negative, unrelentingly so.

If his turn to religion does reflect where he is emotionally and psychologically, I'd recommend people in this thread start being a bit kinder, more empathetic, and just less complainy. In the scheme of things, someone not getting a 5 minute video to jerk off to is less important than a human being's mental wellbeing, and continued existence on this earth.
Pretty sure that's not the reason why ppl are complaining about his religious views. Religion tends to be more hateful and hypocritical than what it pretends to be. A lot of ppl claim their religion is of love but then demonize ppl for how they were born or who they are. Also it is hypocritical of him to quote passages that judge ppl when he himself is doing things that he would be judged by per his religion.
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Pretty sure that's not the reason why ppl are complaining about his religious views. Religion tends to be more hateful and hypocritical than what it pretends to be. A lot of ppl claim their religion is of love but then demonize ppl for how they were born or who they are. Also it is hypocritical of him to quote passages that judge ppl when he himself is doing things that he would be judged by per his religion.
I didn't attempt to say why people are commenting on his religious view. I'm not sure if you read my post before replying.
I didn't attempt to say why people are commenting on his religious view. I'm not sure if you read my post before replying.
I read it. You said there were vile and negative comments . Those are the comments I'm speaking of.
I've no idea how often I"ve seen this crap with closeted religious guys, but it's too many times. Public displays of faith that attempt to soothe the inner turmoil. Christ commanded his followers to be humble in one's worship - posting it on Insta is hardly freaking humble. It's amazing how much people grow once they ditch religion - he's got much more room for personal growth but he won't reach his potential while he's tortured by a non existing god. Either way, it's for him to deal with, we can't help him, we can only observe.
He's fooling everyone
Watching his latest Insta story of him singing Christian rock into his camera and dancing in his seat while driving his car and all I can think is "have you tried watching the road all?". I get that you love Jesus and maybe want to meet him as soon as possible but think of the other fucking road users dude.