Mtv real world guys

This is weird as a straight guy but while binge watching some old MTV playlists, I stumbled across this OLD clip. During an Olympic themed challenge, one guy is seemingly HUGE while performing a figure skating routine. Not my tea but I figured some people here would be interested. Starts @ 54 seconds (on the left).
That’s Sean Duffy. He went on to become an anti lgbtq republican congressman.

This is weird as a straight guy but while binge watching some old MTV playlists, I stumbled across this OLD clip. During an Olympic themed challenge, one guy is seemingly HUGE while performing a figure skating routine. Not my tea but I figured some people here would be interested. Starts @ 54 seconds (on the left).
A straight guy following a thread titled MTV Real World guys, bulge watching and using a phrase such as not my tea. Interesting
LOL. It is weird. As I was watching, I noticed it. In one of the boob threads, there are a few gay contributors. Just like guys that aren't into BBW contributing to a BBW thread. I apologize and will delete if it is an issue.
LOL. It is weird. As I was watching, I noticed it. In one of the boob threads, there are a few gay contributors. Just like guys that aren't into BBW contributing to a BBW thread. I apologize and will delete if it is an issue.
As the badging states - you are a loved member, konan! You are welcome to comment and contribute on any thread slanted gay or straight without judgment from me :)