Studies show that 100% of circumcisions leave a scar 100% of the time. Sorry, but you need to read up. Circumcised men have a higher incident of urinary tract infections than do men with a foreskin. Circumcised babies do have a slightly lower incidence but that changes once mama stops taking care. Maybe the "red and inflamed" meatus of the guys you have seen are their natural color? The constant scrubbing of the glans against clothing makes like a callous. Circumcised men also have cancer of the penis. The incidence of penile cancer in Israel is much higher than in Denmark. Circumcised men who are nudists also have a much higher incidence of penile cancer on the glans. The foreskin protects the glans from that. I figure that you will next bring up HIV. Look at the WHO HIV maps. Mexico has a much lower rate of Hiv than the USA. Japan has a lower Hiv rate than does Saudi Arabia.