Newsflash! Brits as dumb as Americans

I seriously doubt the findings of that survey, I don't know a single person who would think Winston Churchill was fictional character. It's in spelling where the British are particularly thick.
The address used for Sherlock Holmes in Baker street is now a bank. I believe they have an enqueries desk specifically for people looking for old Sherlock. Bad enough that they think he is real but still alive???? :rolleyes:
and another thread goes down the tubes. Hope it's wine though. I'm allergic to hops.

Obsession with Ro Dents? Is this some kind of car malfunction?

It doesn't take a Stinking Bishop to make you ill; try to Liederkranz, followed by some nice ripe Durian fruit, and follow it with some Haggis.

What planet you're on, beyotches?!! There are signs of intelligent life in Great Britain.
The inability to grasp ideas has been long noted, but not overly publicized. I have a book here with the copyright date being 1930 It is called BONERS, being a collection of student flubs. Thusly,

The law of Gravity was enacted by the British Parliment.

The solid wastes are excreted through the retina.

A planet is a body of earth surrounded by sky.

When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe you expire.

Poetry is when every line begins with a capital letter.