Newsflash! Brits as dumb as Americans

how can ppl hate their country so much. i'm amazed at the number of americans that actually hate their country, or get some passive aggressive joy, via the joy they get over any bad news, yet turn around and say it's the patriotic/american free-speech thing to do.

i don't get it... makes as much sense as "i support the troops, but not the war".

i believe 2+2=4, but not 4-2=2.

... don't get it... makes as much sense as "i support the troops, but not the war".
Actually, I have found that sentiment to make a lot of sense. If our troops are sent into a region to fight, but the war itself is damaging to the country (and others) I would not support the war. However, since I am only one vote, there would still be soldiers in harms way in that war regardless of my lack of support for it. So I would be highly critical of any bad deployment, of sending them in without adequate armor, and of not working hard enough to get them out of harm's way, etc.

I don't see why this is hypocritical, or illogical.
Actually, I have found that sentiment to make a lot of sense. If our troops are sent into a region to fight, but the war itself is damaging to the country (and others) I would not support the war. However, since I am only one vote, there would still be soldiers in harms way in that war regardless of my lack of support for it. So I would be highly critical of any bad deployment, of sending them in without adequate armor, and of not working hard enough to get them out of harm's way, etc.

I don't see why this is hypocritical, or illogical.

It's very hypocritical... and most of those who make that statement, will not admit to underlying beliefs. The left has learned to cloak their anti-military intolerance with the magic words, "We support the troops."

The liberal media use the same line when they undermine the military. In this, as in other things, the flagship of the media is the New York Times. Unsubstantiated charges against American troops in Iraq are front page news but incredible acts of heroism in battle are seldom reported there, if at all.

That. Is. Fact.

Although things go wrong in every war, things that went wrong in Iraq -- whether large or small -- have been front page news in the New York Times. But when the military surge was followed by things going right, the Iraq war was suddenly no longer front page news.
Back during the Vietnam war, the media criticized the American military for their emphasis on enemy casualties or "body count."

Today the media have been fixated on American body count.

What has been accomplished by the troops who lost their lives in battle has been of no interest to those who claim to be "supporting the troops."

That thousands of Iraqis who fled the country during the height of the violence and turmoil are now returning is no big deal to the media.
Those in the military who made this possible by putting their own lives on the line are not heroes to the media/left. Indeed, one of the consistent patterns in the liberal media has been to depict the troops not as heroes but as victims.
The financial problems of some reservists who were called away from their civilian jobs were front page news in the New York Times. So were sorrowful goodbyes from family and friends.
All these things made the troops victims. So does body count.
Just last month, the New York Times found yet another way to portray the troops as victims. They ran a very long article, beginning on the front page of the January 13th issue, about killings in the United States by combat veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"In many of those cases," it said, "combat trauma and the stress of deployment" were among the factors which "appear to have set the stage for a tragedy that was part destruction, part self-destruction."
As with so many other things said by liberals, the big question that was not asked was: Compared to what?
As the New York Post reported a couple of days later, the murder rate among returning military combat veterans is one-fifth that of civilians in the same age brackets.

You fuckers get away with so much via the mainstream media (NY Times, LA Times, NBC, NPR, CNN, CBS)... and you are shocked and dismayed why Air America fails and Limbaugh was the biggest thing on radio, yet there is still room for Hannity, Savage, and now Dennis Miller.

So much for "supporting the troops" by depicting them as victims.

Just check out Jay Leno on monday nights with jay walking when he asks the easiest questions and get crazy, but serious responses. People thinking dead presidents are still alive, don't know who the first pres was, not 100% sure who the president is, don't know how many states we have, can't point to NY on a map, one guy thought New Mexico is part of mexico, just amazing. Ya watch that and wonder what those people do for a living or how they get from point a to point b.
I don't even look at what is going on in iraq as war anymore, it's clean up. If it is it's the woosiest war ever. 3 to 4 thousand dead soldiers, it's a skirmish compared to vietnam, cival, ww1, ww2. It's closer to the number of peeps that died as a result of 9/11, close to the number of people who died in france the following summer in their heat wave and 1/10th the number of people who will die of the flu stateside this winter and for the past 10. War Shmore.

It took us 10 years to get out of europe after ww2.
Just check out Jay Leno on monday nights with jay walking when he asks the easiest questions and get crazy, but serious responses. People thinking dead presidents are still alive, don't know who the first pres was, not 100% sure who the president is, don't know how many states we have, can't point to NY on a map, one guy thought New Mexico is part of mexico, just amazing. Ya watch that and wonder what those people do for a living or how they get from point a to point b.

Maybe they were/are lost
It's very hypocritical... and most of those who make that statement, will not admit to underlying beliefs. The left has learned to cloak their anti-military intolerance with the magic words, "We support the troops."

The liberal media use the same line when they undermine the military. In this, as in other things, the flagship of the media is the New York Times. Unsubstantiated charges against American troops in Iraq are front page news but incredible acts of heroism in battle are seldom reported there, if at all.

That. Is. Fact.

Although things go wrong in every war, things that went wrong in Iraq -- whether large or small -- have been front page news in the New York Times. But when the military surge was followed by things going right, the Iraq war was suddenly no longer front page news.
Back during the Vietnam war, the media criticized the American military for their emphasis on enemy casualties or "body count."

Today the media have been fixated on American body count.

What has been accomplished by the troops who lost their lives in battle has been of no interest to those who claim to be "supporting the troops."

That thousands of Iraqis who fled the country during the height of the violence and turmoil are now returning is no big deal to the media.
Those in the military who made this possible by putting their own lives on the line are not heroes to the media/left. Indeed, one of the consistent patterns in the liberal media has been to depict the troops not as heroes but as victims.
The financial problems of some reservists who were called away from their civilian jobs were front page news in the New York Times. So were sorrowful goodbyes from family and friends.
All these things made the troops victims. So does body count.
Just last month, the New York Times found yet another way to portray the troops as victims. They ran a very long article, beginning on the front page of the January 13th issue, about killings in the United States by combat veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"In many of those cases," it said, "combat trauma and the stress of deployment" were among the factors which "appear to have set the stage for a tragedy that was part destruction, part self-destruction."
As with so many other things said by liberals, the big question that was not asked was: Compared to what?
As the New York Post reported a couple of days later, the murder rate among returning military combat veterans is one-fifth that of civilians in the same age brackets.

You fuckers get away with so much via the mainstream media (NY Times, LA Times, NBC, NPR, CNN, CBS)... and you are shocked and dismayed why Air America fails and Limbaugh was the biggest thing on radio, yet there is still room for Hannity, Savage, and now Dennis Miller.

So much for "supporting the troops" by depicting them as victims.

Except all you did was make up your own version of what was in my head. We were talking about me, not your tin-foil hat theories about the liberal media. What I said was that I want them to have the best equipment and the best command, and the best chance of survival over there. I also want them out of there. All of those things are consistent with supporting the troops but not the war. I know you hate to hear things like that, but your generalizations make as much sense as me saying that you and all the conservatives just want to see people batttle.

By the way, where the heck is the coverage on Fox, Linbaugh, Beck, Tucker, and Hannity, who seem to dominate the cable news channel at night? That is a lot of channels broadcasting conservative points of view. Where is their coverage of the surge? Where is their celebration of the victories?