Consider this for a moment: I was very fortunate to know that I always liked guys. However, I came from a very small town in out-state Nebraska. I dated girls but never went very far with them. After high school, some of my closest friends knew that I was gay. Some people knew me as bisexual because it was easier for me to tell these "fringe" people that than to come out fully. And even more people didn't know at all/had their assumptions. Out of the blue at 19, I entered into a purely physical relationship with a girl because, well, I was horny and bored. There weren't many gay dudes around for me to have fun with. That further muddied the waters of my sexuality, in the eyes of other people. I finally told my parents at 20, because I was in a relationship with a guy. Still other people who knew I had a sexual relationship with a girl just months prior, figured I must be bi, or assumed I was straight, depending on whether or not they knew about my new boyfriend. Some people caught up and understood I was gay. Some remained blissfully ignorant, and some don't give a shit either way. I'd bet there are at least a couple people I knew from that time period who still have no idea "how I turned out".
Now imagine if I was a celebrity of any sort, with the media reporting on my ongoing sexuality. If I had some notoriety and had a million people trying to follow along and interjecting their own suspicions, hopes, and hearsay. It is often hard for anyone to come out, let alone someone in the public eye. And remember, nobody is OWED an explanation. Nobody HAS to come out or talk about their sexuality. Cut the man some slack, and let's see some hot pics of him.