Nico Young -- gay twink college long distance runner

Cooper is wayy cuter=)
I love them both! Don’t make us choose :joy:

I think people have to watch Nico’s reels and interviews to fully understand the appeal. He’s a really sweet and gentle guy who loves his family.

Cooper is probably a tireless sex machine in bed though!
Who you think is packing the most
They all have the body type IMHO of the well endowed. Once in blue moon you will find a averagish or near micro cock in this build, but it is rare. I am sure they all have very high-end compression shorts to keep their long, floppy meat in check. Balls with this body type I have seen be like any other guy. Some are huge, some average, some tiny, roll the dice, win a prize.
What you all think of Leo and lex young there on a whole nother level

That's a good way to put it. They are god-tier twunks, and best of all, there's TWO of them

I posted a vid of one of their shirtless workouts upthread. I think they are seriously going to become big stars. If I were like a sports agent or whatever, all I would see is dollar signs when I look at them.
I'm basing this assumption off of nothing but I'd be willing to bet he has a big cock.
Not for nothing, but all tall skinny cross country twinks have huge cocks.