Nico Young -- gay twink college long distance runner

My experiences with track and field guys in college was good. The stamina is unreal. Y'all know how guys will talk up a storm about going multiple rounds but fall asleep after 1 or 2? Yeah these guys will go all night long. They'll also eat every thing you've got, unfortunately. šŸ˜…

There's a sad stereotype of track and field only having gay athletes but that is BS. The people are usually very good looking but the actual gay (or bi) ones are even better looking.

I think it has to do with their bodies being quite literal machines and needing to put in proper food all the time and not junk or booze. Using up all that energy and consuming water and only sports drinks when needed whereas others will eat anything and drink anything.

You wouldn't put fouled up gasoline in an exotic super car, would you? These guys are often very lean but also stronger than they look. They've honed the performance of their fast and slow twitch muscles fibers.