Nude bonding

there is something to be said about guys being better friends with each other after they've seen each other naked. This summer I tagged along with one of my buds and his partner to River's Edge in north Georgia. I hadn't seen either of them naked before but shortly after we arrived the clothes came off in a completely non sexual manner and I saw them naked for pretty much two days along with dozens of other guys. It was a pretty fun weekend and since that trip I've been much closer to the two of them, still in a non sexual manner.

I try to hit up Jeju in Atlanta about once a month or so and I've seen a couple of the same guys there before. One guy I've seen a couple of times is a younger guy in his mid 20s who told me he likes to go to relax and chat with other men. He's married with kids so I'm not sure if he's straight or maybe just curious, but he told me he playing football in college and that he and his teammates were usually naked with each other all the time after practice or even in their dorms or apartments, guys just didn't care. He married his college girlfriend and kept up the naked time until his daughters were born and now says his wife doesn't even like for him to be shirtless at home. He honestly said Jeju lets him get his clothes off and relax for a few hours after being dressed in a suit all week for his job.