Cool story!
One day I was working out at my local gym, and after my workout I went to the sauna/steam room and shower area. The usual routine. While working out I eyed down this smoking hot Persian guy working out and he seemed to be finishing his workout around the same time I had. Well, I saw this hottie in the sauna reading a magazine, wrapped in a towel of course. After a while I get hot and leave to cool down and head to the steam room. A few minutes after, the Persian guy follows me. This time the steam blocked our vision so it allowed me to reaaaallly look at this guy and DAMN was he fucking hot. After a bit I got a bit hot again and needed to cool down so I ran to the shower and stood under freezing cold water and decided to enjoy the sauna again. I did it to test him, really.. and of course homeboy followed me. I was sure that he was interested.. but just couldn't tell exactly. So I didn't do or say anything. I just sat there with my towel partially open. Nothing. No looks or any hint that he was interested. Took that as a sign so I quickly showered, and left the gym.
I live in Los Angeles, and traffic was crazy (of course, what's new..) and Mr. Persian drove past me and got stopped at the red light. Now was my chance to talk to him because I wasn't sure if I'd ever see him again. He pulled over and talked briefly about mutual interests and marijuana came up - so we decided to kick it and that was the beginning of our friendship. (marijuana is legal here so dont ban me pls lol)
During our friendship (he's "straight" and I'm gay) - we went to a spa together and we had no hangups of nudity with each other. Soon I learned he was a wrestler so I understood why the relaxed attitude toward being naked with me. Anyway, he moved away but will be back soon! We talked about going back to the spa together once he gets back and said he was excited!
After our first time going together we definitely were closer than before. Weird how seeing a guy naked can bring guys so close together. Note our first time going was like 6 months after being good friends.