Threatening to KILL someone because they don't believe like you, don't behave like you, or do something non-violent which you find "offensive" is terrorism. Christians are uncomfortable applying that label to "one of their own", nomatter how misguided or dangerous that particular person or group might actually be.
I don't need a God who is so easily overcome (even by something as silly as this) that I couldn't trust him with anything of real importance. If I
were to decide I needed a God, he would have to be a big strong God who could take a few punches without crumbling. I wouldn't want a porcelain God who was beautiful to look at but easily shattered. I wouldn't want a marble God who could erode by nothing more than the passing of time, a steel God who could be melted if heated to a high enough degree, nor would I want a God out of any other medium which wouldn't allow Him to grow, expand His great Self, develop, mature, adjust, readjust, or even smile. IF I believe "we are made in His image", then when I look at my fellow Man, I should be able to get some clues about who God is, right?
If we are "made in His image", then the reason we don't need "images" is because we ARE those images. The reason we are not to
worship false images that we make ourselves is because we can't improve on what the Artist has already made.
You want to be easily offended that YOUR false images aren't being shown enough respect? You are a hypocrite of the highest order, and I have no motivation to give you appeasement. Stop worshipping valueless things, and look more toward the real issues that evoked a response from Jesus. There you will find things of value, not in the things you drudge up to find your brother less suitable than yourself.