Nude in Art Class

This sculpture of a young man with a larger penis, is from Germany and was advertised for sale in January of this year on thee Lot Art site. The artist is not identified. Referring to the note about drawing classes (above) the model's erect length is around 8 in. Another sketch showed him lying down with a soft erection of around the same length on his leg.
For the sculpture, I would not call that an erection. Some guys, me include, just hang longer. Unless it’s really cold in studio I’m about 3/4 of my erect length so similar look to the sculpture. I never considered people thinking I’m erect when I model, that is when I know I’m not. Maybe I should? It’s all about the angle really. Anything below a 20% rise is fairly safe from being called out in the most conservative sessions in my opinion.
I have considered applying for a model for art classes, as a way to earn some extra money. Now is my question if anyone here already has experience posing as a nude model?

I am afraid if I do it for girls of my own age I might get an erection while posing. I will apply for a different university than my own to avoid being recognized by fellow students, but still its quite a fear I have.

So if anyone here has some basic tips, I would appreciate that a lot.


i did it three times. first time was really ... awkward to be honest. you have to be very relaxed about yourself and your body. and the confidence.