Oh nick jonas

what exactly does Kevin Jonas do? He is one of several guitar players on stage

but seriously, I don’t know if this is true or apocryphal, but my understanding of the origins of the Jonas brothers is that the parents brought Nick in to audition and the other two were backup for him. They weren’t interested in Nick as a solo act, but did like the idea of the three brothers as a group. Joe has a voice (possible the best voice?) and Kevin… needed something to do, so they handed him a guitar.
Rumor is that the band's break-up as adults was in large part related to Nick's very low opinion of Kevin's talent as a musician. Ever since the band got back together, Kevin's mic has been turned OFF. A lot of their singles have Joe and Nick trading solos while Kevin moves his mouth along with them during the chorus haha
Rumor is that the band's break-up as adults was in large part related to Nick's very low opinion of Kevin's talent as a musician. Ever since the band got back together, Kevin's mic has been turned OFF. A lot of their singles have Joe and Nick trading solos while Kevin moves his mouth along with them during the chorus haha
After they were dropped by Sony, the first single on the second album to start doing well on the Hot 100 - "S.O.S." - was initially just branded as Joe Jonas, and the second week, they changed it to "Jonas Brothers." I don't know if it was a mistake at first, but I heard at the time they were just going to call it Joe's song because they thought he was going to be a possible solo star from their new Disney strategies, but since it started charting decently, they made it a single for the forthcoming album. I don't think they had the album fully ready yet. Nick wasn't seen as the star at that time. Kevin wasn't, but he wasn't considered a nothing. I interned at Sony right before they were dropped, and I had to help market for them.
After they were dropped by Sony, the first single on the second album to start doing well on the Hot 100 - "S.O.S." - was initially just branded as Joe Jonas, and the second week, they changed it to "Jonas Brothers." I don't know if it was a mistake at first, but I heard at the time they were just going to call it Joe's song because they thought he was going to be a possible solo star from their new Disney strategies, but since it started charting decently, they made it a single for the forthcoming album. I don't think they had the album fully ready yet. Nick wasn't seen as the star at that time. Kevin wasn't, but he wasn't considered a nothing. I interned at Sony right before they were dropped, and I had to help market for them.
Right but you are talking about 2007 before their first hiatus and I am talking about their acrimonious break-up and cancelled tour/album in 2013. By that time, Nick and Joe had far eclipsed Kevin, and Nick was on his way to to being the #1 star that he unquestioningly became afterwards.
I’ve always wondered why Nick sings through his nose? Like it sounds like be could be a good singer he just has horrible technique. How has no-one taught him not to do that?
Yes you're correct. If you notice, for his second album away from the Brothers with Jealous on it- the self titled one - the song producers had him sing more in his chest and head voice with less falsetto and less nasal. He sounds better. The next album too Last Year Was Complicated had a lot more songs where he was using better technique. Then when he went back with his brothers, the bad technique came back. That's their original sound where they would sing through their noses a lot and muddle words in mid to lower register to sound more rock. Awful technique that will damage their vocal chords permanently. I'm not just saying it. I have taken many singing lessons. It really will damage their vocal chords and likely already has.