Its a shame you don't see this kind of platonic bonding anymore. I think if it was still a thing I would have felt much less self conscious about my body than I did.
dude we need to move forward why you feel self conscious is because your parents told you to put a shirt on
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dude we need to move forward why you feel self conscious is because your parents told you to put a shirt on
It doesn't bother me any more but I used to feel like my body was different to other. Bonding like this would have shown me that all bodies are different and helped me let go of that feeling.
It doesn't bother me any more but I used to feel like my body was different to other. Bonding like this would have shown me that all bodies are different and helped me let go of that feeling.
being nude!?!? we need modesty too. boys were forced to get naked all boys how was that helpful to all the boys? Note girls didnt have to get naked only boys
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being nude!?!? we need modesty too. boys were forced to get naked all boys how was that helpful to all the boys? Note girls didnt have to get naked only boys
Sorry Buddy but that seems like a huge leap in logic there. Of course no one should be forced to do anything they don't want to and I'm not saying that has never happened in the past. However, it is not what's being discussed here nor is it even remotely suggested by anything that's been posted.
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Sorry Buddy but that seems like a huge leap in logic there. Of course no one should be forced to do anything they don't want to and I'm not saying that has never happened in the past. However, it is not what's being discussed here nor is it even remotely suggested by anything that's been posted.
mantoratry nudity for boys

yet they were forced to get naked

yes it is one person says i felt that we need more nudity to be more comfortable with my body. how is that going to be build confidence in his body?

Its a shame you don't see this kind of platonic bonding anymore. I think if it was still a thing I would have felt much less self conscious about my body than I did. Flanger 1

we know what was on your mind flanger 1

A poem written by Duluth board member Leonard Wheat in the Tribune in 1973 - the year the school district said goodbye to nude swimming - read: 'Requiring boys to wear swim trunks will please some prudes and modest monks.

'But spirits free prefer the nude; It seems to fit the boyish mood.'

Yet, as adults, many of the men do not have fun or free-spirited memories of swimming naked among their peers as their teacher oversaw them.

'Finding me in the shower room, I was instructed to wait and received "the paddle" on my bare bottom. I didn’t miss a class the rest of the quarter.'
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Hi Mikyang,

Again, this is an entirely non-sequitur reply from you.

As I have stated previously, I am aware this has happened in the past and I would never condone it. Further, nothing in my posts suggest at all anything regarding people being forced to strip. This element of the conversation was introduced entirely by yourself.

My original posts said I would have found it helpful. It does not suggest even remotely that it should be forced on everyone.

Please be more mindful when replying to others as you have responded rather aggressively whilst entirely misunderstanding what was originally said.

Further, If you ever find yourself disagreeing with others In the future I would suggest you don't use logic such as "we know what you were thinking" as clearly you do not and are not capable orly reading minds.

You may also want to refrain from using quotes to try and prove your point as this does not back up your argument as proof but simply gives another person's opinion, especially if as in this case the quote is bizarrely off topic.
Hi Mikyang,

Again, this is an entirely non-sequitur reply from you.

As I have stated previously, I am aware this has happened in the past and I would never condone it. Further, nothing in my posts suggest at all anything regarding people being forced to strip. This element of the conversation was introduced entirely by yourself.

My original posts said I would have found it helpful. It does not suggest even remotely that it should be forced on everyone.

Please be more mindful when replying to others as you have responded rather aggressively whilst entirely misunderstanding what was originally said.

Further, If you ever find yourself disagreeing with others In the future I would suggest you don't use logic such as "we know what you were thinking" as clearly you do not and are not capable orly reading minds.

You may also want to refrain from using quotes to try and prove your point as this does not back up your argument as proof but simply gives another person's opinion, especially if as in this case the quote is bizarrely off topic.
so you dont condone it but felt you needed to get naked in front of other guys to feel more maniless?

or helpful.
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so you dont condone it but felt you needed to get naked in front of other guys to feel more maniless?

or helpful.
Not manliness, not have I ever felt the need to get naked in front of other guys. Again you seem intent on putting words in my mouth while misunderstanding my point.

As I originally said, as someone who was insecure about their own body I think I would have felt better personally if I had had more of an understanding that different people have different bodies and thats all fine when I younger.
Not manliness, not have I ever felt the need to get naked in front of other guys. Again you seem intent on putting words in my mouth while misunderstanding my point.

As I originally said, as someone who was insecure about their own body I think I would have felt better personally if I had had more of an understanding that different people have different bodies and thats all fine when I younger.
Don't encourage him, or he'll keep going on about this topic and sticking to that stance, which he already debated in another forum. He's very stubborn about this and you will be wasting your time.
mantoratry nudity for boys

yet they were forced to get naked

yes it is one person says i felt that we need more nudity to be more comfortable with my body. how is that going to be build confidence in his body?

Its a shame you don't see this kind of platonic bonding anymore. I think if it was still a thing I would have felt much less self conscious about my body than I did. Flanger 1

we know what was on your mind flanger 1

A poem written by Duluth board member Leonard Wheat in the Tribune in 1973 - the year the school district said goodbye to nude swimming - read: 'Requiring boys to wear swim trunks will please some prudes and modest monks.

'But spirits free prefer the nude; It seems to fit the boyish mood.'

Yet, as adults, many of the men do not have fun or free-spirited memories of swimming naked among their peers as their teacher oversaw them.

'Finding me in the shower room, I was instructed to wait and received "the paddle" on my bare bottom. I didn’t miss a class the rest of the quarter.'

The real problem is our U.S. society's puritanical views about nudity and sex. Many churches and many parents teach people that nudity is sexual, and that both nudity and sex are shameful. Rational people know that nudity is not inherently sexual, and also know that sexuality is a biological human drive similar to breathing, hunger, and thirst. Most young men that were required to swim nude or shower in communal settings learned that nudity is natural and not equivalent to sex, and were not traumatized by those activities. Those that were traumatized were likely strongly socialized to believe that nudity and certain parts of the human body are shameful. I find such socialization to be appalling.

As to the paddling, physical and emotional abuse should never be tolerated in any setting. Rather, students that felt deep shame around nudity should have received some counseling - not the paddle. Fortunately, the thinking with respect to such matters has progressed dramatically since those days.
The real problem is our U.S. society's puritanical views about nudity and sex. Many churches and many parents teach people that nudity is sexual, and that both nudity and sex are shameful. Rational people know that nudity is not inherently sexual, and also know that sexuality is a biological human drive similar to breathing, hunger, and thirst. Most young men that were required to swim nude or shower in communal settings learned that nudity is natural and not equivalent to sex, and were not traumatized by those activities. Those that were traumatized were likely strongly socialized to believe that nudity and certain parts of the human body are shameful. I find such socialization to be appalling.

As to the paddling, physical and emotional abuse should never be tolerated in any setting. Rather, students that felt deep shame around nudity should have received some counseling - not the paddle. Fortunately, the thinking with respect to such matters has progressed dramatically since those days.
didnt you read the article i sent you all???
didnt you read the article that said they all wondered why they boys and not girls had to swim naked???
if you didnt want to swim nakd then you were called gay and even ann landers said to a boy who didnt want to swim naked she said if you dont want to swim naked then your hiding something.

they were not saying to be shameful they were saying we need to be more modest. why are you defending nudity when all guys had to get naked the girls never did

deep shame how? they were more like why did i have to get naked to go swimming while the girls didnt and even one teacher would tease the boys about being naked and tell them a girl is coming in

paddling has come back
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didnt you read the article i sent you all???
didnt you read the article that said they all wondered why they boys and not girls had to swim naked???
if you didnt want to swim nakd then you were called gay and even ann landers said to a boy who didnt want to swim naked she said if you dont want to swim naked then your hiding something.

they were not saying to be shameful they were saying we need to be more modest. why are you defending nudity when all guys had to get naked the girls never did

deep shame how? they were more like why did i have to get naked to go swimming while the girls didnt and even one teacher would tease the boys about being naked and tell them a girl is coming in

paddling has come back

Yes, I did read the article. Did you read my response???

On second thought, please don’t respond to this posting. I don’t have time for any more crazy today.
Yes, I did read the article. Did you read my response???

On second thought, please don’t respond to this posting. I don’t have time for any more crazy today.
Rational people know that nudity is not inherently sexual, and also know that sexuality is a biological human drive similar to breathing, hunger, and thirst. Most young men that were required to swim nude or shower in communal settings learned that nudity is natural and not equivalent to sex, and were not traumatized by those activities. Those that were traumatized were likely strongly socialized to believe that nudity and certain parts of the human body are shameful. I find such socialization to be appalling.

yeah you feel we all should be nudists and naked 24 7 you go ahead be naked and see other guys naked if you want as for me and my family will be normal and wear clothes
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didnt you read the article i sent you all???
didnt you read the article that said they all wondered why they boys and not girls had to swim naked???
if you didnt want to swim nakd then you were called gay and even ann landers said to a boy who didnt want to swim naked she said if you dont want to swim naked then your hiding something.

they were not saying to be shameful they were saying we need to be more modest. why are you defending nudity when all guys had to get naked the girls never did

deep shame how? they were more like why did i have to get naked to go swimming while the girls didnt and even one teacher would tease the boys about being naked and tell them a girl is coming in

paddling has come back
I agree with everything you said. Modesty does not mean one is a prude or anti sex. People should’ve their genitals covered in public, men and women. Nobody should be forced to get naked ever.