I don't post often but I have subscribed to an insane amount of onlyfans and just4fans and these are all pages I would advise to avoid and why:
@gabrixvolpe (posts little snips of videos and requires you to pay for longer ones that aren't that good)
@johnnyviper (same as above)
@maxxxmagnum (ok content but doesn't post often)
@jcakez_7 (doesn't post often and his clips are literally what you see on twitter. he has about 2 actual action videos)
@sexpartners (DEMANDS that you tip him and all of his videos are PPV)
@thejackfoxxx (Unless you are ok with just seeing him jerkoff, not worth it)
@jettrink (super hot but not a regular poster. I'd advise subscribing maybe once a year)
@cockycory (same as jettrink. Amazing body and dick though)
@simonfawkesxxx (same as previous two)
@roxas_caelum (same as previous 3)
@Deepdick10x7 (same as previous 3 and has begun charging for his MONTHLY videos)
@zxcrxf (posts very little and clips are usually short)
@shreds (lots of ads and no actual videos of anything worthwhile)
@nine_inside (insane amount to subscribe *$60* & his clips are usually less than 2 minutes. does post often though)
@mikeandikle (just nudes and some jerkoff. hot guy but not worth $11.99 a month)
@ohgay01 (doesn't post often but videos are not bad. I'd subscribe every 6 months to let content build up)
@kingkole (never again. doesn't post often and half of his videos are of him sucking toes)
@fitphil92 (super hot but says he posts weekly and he doesn't. More like every other month. short clips)
@iangreene (rarely posts. tells you to DM him for videos and then he ignores you)
@duncansaintxxx (amazing body but lackluster videos. for anyone that doesn't mind straight sex)
@sincitypapi94 (so disappointing. rarely posts. short clips)
@braxtonbucks (rarely posts. too many vids of him just trying to look sexy in a mirror)
@mrmicahbrandt (never posts and when he does, it's lackluster nudes. not worth 10.99)
@kevinportillo32 (super hot guy but doesn't show nudity and not worth $15.99)
@alexgrant (when he does post, vids are hot but mostly nudes. I'd subscribe every 6 months)
@jasonvarioxxx (not a regular poster but hot. usually short vids)
@bigdickfig (mostly nudes of him showing off his perfect dick along some artsy backdrop)
@joeblizzard (mostly nudes. short vids of him jerking it. he may post some fun stuff every now and then)
@ethanmetz (doesn't post often)
@chrisfinchxxx (never again. posts nudes and not very often. better off subscribing to his partner aaronburkexxx)
@xxxdylanjames (doesn't post often but good vids)
@jacktherippher (hot. great dick but doesn't post often and charges for videos)
Honestly, most of these guys shouldn't be charging anything more than $4.99 if they aren't gonna post regularly. It bothers me that they make it seem like they do and you subscribe to a page with an absent content provider. If anything, subscribe like once a year to the ones I mentioned.