Having an open marriage, I’d like to say a thing or two on the subject. Without too many quotes or repetitions of opinions, I might contribute to the thread based on my own style. Not a beacon but just some bits and pieces that may help other couples.
My husband and I have known each other from our youth days. First he was my bf’s friend, then my friend, my best male friend, my bf and then my husband. And I always loved him in the way that befitted the stage of our relationship and still love him to death.
We have an open marriage because my husband brought up the subject himself. In a closeted way after a conversation based on an instance at a party. I have always been flirty but I never cheated in a relationship. I find that degrading for all involved.
Most successful Open Relationships, contrary to the myths, are not "free for all"s. Boundaries and guidelines, and lots of communication is definitely advisable. There are things that one or both of us feel are too intimate and are off the table. Everything is mutually agreed on and feelings are clear to avoid as many uncomfortable situations as possible. Those things are different depending on the couple.
We discussed it in detail for a long time as described by
@Countryguy63. And I can’t emphasize the importance of those points. Any neglected minor possibility will come back as a giant obstacle in the relation.
We agreed on the rules and limitations. No one night stands, no prowling, only relations. We keep things separate. We don't share partners. No 3somes or watching so far. Nobody comes home. I had two relationships, one ongoing, a single one-nighter and a fling on a holiday trip, so far. Both with his consent.
@Sarainsandiego, I have been more active than he is and recently we talked about that. We still have a great sex life but he likes his porn and I am his favourite star. He likes the idea, thought, image of me being with others. And he explained how he is so comfortable with it which sounded logical.
Ever since we met, he has seen me with other guys, saw or heard me having sex, listened to my problems with others, saw my crazy escapades, talked about them in detail with me. Basically, he knows it all without having seen it all and this has been a big turn on for him very since the beginning. People might disagree and I couldn’t care less.
@Sarainsandiego, my husband always comes first. He is the love of my life, partner, safe harbor , soulmate AND my companion. However, unlike
@Sarainsandiego, he has no veto powers. He has a say in all my relations with regard to public appearance, anonymity, safety and a few other factors I do not wish to address here. But that is it. He states his case, gives his opinion and the decision is mine. This has been the same with all aspects of our relationship. Before and after getting married. He knew what he was getting and he was and still is OK with that. No drastic changes.
He never asked me not to get involved or stop seeing a person. I know he is not fully comfortable with my present bf and gave me a lecture or two but that is it. Because we both know that his reservations have nothing to do with the way I conduct my relation. Rather on the rapport I have with my bf. Risky places, crazy teenager acts, his words, etc.
My husband enjoys to imagine what is going to happen, listen to what happened, see the pics but hates it if he feels that his pillar position is threatened. No matter how much I try to assure him, he still has that tingling in his stomach. Well, that was inevitable and has nothing to do with the size of the other guy.
I have a weird, triggering aversion to it based on my own life. So any criticisms I spew are all projections, really.
I have never been in the position to be in love, never experienced it, never been given the chance. So I just get angry when people are in love, have found what I have never been able to find, then want everyone else’s cake whilst having their own.
Shit, this subject really cuts deep for me. But as I said, it’s all just about me and my own self hatred and insecurities.
That is the saddest message I have seen in any forum. I am so sorry to hear all that. I wish I could meet any of them to tell them to go fuck themselves. I honestly hope that the dawn of your night comes soon and you get yourself tangled in a web of happiness.
Then there’s further projections of spending my 20s being a mistress to many married men as they were the only guys who “wanted me”, but then it was only wanting me for sex. So, being with people but *not* being with them, seeing them grow old with their families and wives whilst I’m growing old alone.
This is not an omen but a blessing. Why would you want to grow old with men so shallow to choose to be with you just for sex and cheat on the woman they consider “spouse”? To be cheated on by these worthless pieces of shit?
None of this is meant to criticize or hurt your feelings. I am just furious at the way you have been treated.
And for the know it all, yes I know who
@cherryboom66 is. I haven’t met her in person, but I read her posts and I can figure it out from those.
Dr. Phil giving an opinion on a subject where almost only the unsuccessful is above the water and the real ones are submerged. I’d like to see his diploma if he can pull it out of his bottom and gives it a through wipe.
Poly is about loving more than one person, open is about having sex with more than one person.
I don’t agree. Open is the life style where the gate is down and polyamory, which I believe is my case, is a version in which you can love more than one person.
I have an open marriage and an open relationship. I am polyamorus. I love my husband and my bf and I cheat on neither. I just had the biggest chance last week but that is not me.
Organ based happiness is not my thing obviously. Sex is good but making love is the best. While you can have the former with any dick with a dick, the latter requires a special person and special feelings.
One friend told me that open relationships are for cowards who are afraid of commitment, people who don't really love each other, and like nonsense.
Ha ha. We are the cowards who are secure enough and believe in the strength of the bond between us and our partners and they are the braves who hide behind a public perception and a few drops of ink on a piece of paper. Nice.
So, my question to those that want monogamy, AND feel the need to criticize, insult, and verbally attack those that feel differently, is WHY? I don't feel like you're wrong or need to change just because I prefer to be open. Why do you feel that I, or we are?
But I totally agree with Countryguy. I will never understand why people will judge someone elses lifestyle or choices when it doesn’t affect you at all.
In general, I agree with the OP that it can work for some couples, with mutual consent and clear communication, and those hard-wired for monogamy should not be throwing criticism and verbal insults around just because it's wrong for them.
I have nothing to say but I agree with all of the above and bow in respect.
I apologize from everyone for the length of this message.