Open Showers



This thread is more or less an ode to a bygone era in the US not so much in say Europe. They have fallen out of favor and most have been demolished for individual showers for the new modest generation. Much has been lost in terms of comradery and when you are naked, you are vulnerable and that's not in vogue anymore.

YMCA, St. Joseph, Michigan


Germany. Much less personal space which is to be expected in Europe.

Community Center in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Very rare to find Bradley showers. I wonder if they're used much?


Really beautiful one in Germany.

Your Debbie Downer “open showers in the USA obituary” is premature, however since your profile states you’re based in the UK, I’d not expect you to have knowledge of the communal shower situation in all 50 states.

Unsure why you felt as a foreigner to be at liberty to create such a negative slanted thread pertaining to another country.

I love England and have visited between 15-20 times however wouldn’t feel it was my place, nor polite, to start an online thread about how consistently shitty British food is etc.
I think that the middle of the US has more than on the coasts. I used to travel for work and could often get a pass at the Y and in many cases like Nashville, Memphis, Omaha the shower open. On the coast less so.
Sadly, Memphis Y converted to stalls a couple years back, not sure when Omaha did but have heard they no longer do and just recently a buddy said Nashville Y was "under construction" in the locker room.

however your point is still valid as Utah, Texas, Missouri, Alabama, Kentucky still have several. However the state with possibly the most still in use is North Carolina.
I think it is a dangerous trend. If the only images boys see come from porn they could feel very inadequate. Normal comes in all sizes and to make the average for every one of us who is 7 inches there are two men who are 4 inches.
Well said.
This is why it's important for us open shower advocates to continue to share and discuss the spaces that are still in existence and utilized so that we can keep these spaces known about and used by hopefully a younger generation.

the past year I've been encouraged (and to be honest slightly shocked), to see some high school boys / usually jocks, using communal showers traditionally.

photos are of the YMCA Ashford Kentucky from this past weekend; great space with hot tub, steam, sauna.


These are what shower rooms should look like not the cubes that are so much the norm now. They are so much easier to clean and sanitize than a bunch of little cubes with plastic curtains hanging from a pole. Good finds @kazon225, hopefully the HS one still is as shown.
These are what shower rooms should look like not the cubes that are so much the norm now. They are so much easier to clean and sanitize than a bunch of little cubes with plastic curtains hanging from a pole. Good finds @kazon225, hopefully the HS one still is as shown.
I just dislike being enclosed in stalls. Quite beside the fact that I don't feel embarrassed about being naked in the showers (and therefore feel no need for an enclosure,) it's all rather dark and claustrophobic. And, especially with my being a big bloke with a fairly wide wingspan, it's easy for me to rap my knuckles or bash my elbows against the walls. They're just annoying, pointless and waste space.

Beyond that, if you want an argument to convince even the prudes of the merits of communals, remind them that cubicles may offer modesty for men who are frightened that someone might - gasp, horror! - see their little peepee, but that they also provide much better opportunities for guys to cruise. Men who are inclined to cop off with one another in dark corners can't do it if there are no dark corners available!