Video Openly Gay Men Trying And Experimenting With Str8/bi/ftm Porn! Some For The Very First Time.

This notion that y'all keep spreading that transexuals don't need to transition to be their true self is dangerous, not just to gay men in the case of trans gay men but to the trans men themselves, I've experienced it myself and someone even posted a convo he had with a woman on Grindr claiming to be a gay man and saying they don't need to transition to be a gay man and that gay men who refuse to sleep with them are transphobic, can you just imagine? it was deleted some minutes later because it deviated from the thread's topic
I think you are projecting based on your lengthy anecdote. Don't get me wrong, I do believe it does happen, I have gay friends who've told me so but if we are gonna go by stats, those experiences are sediments that rarely form a hard rock.

As for Luis, he's just 19, he rarely shoots with men and even if he does, it's mostly with bi men. My ex started transitioning at 19 too as I was with him all through and it took years. Transitioning takes time, money, an amazing support system and a good mental headspace among others, just because someone doesn't undergo gender reassignment surgery or get full on top surgery doesn't mean they don't want to, we don't know his story but based on his age, I will assume he's taking it slow as his looks are gradually changing
If they did that, this thread wouldn't exist

The biphobia is real in this one

This bolded is valid but let's not pretend we don't have some delulu people who think they can be transexuals (not transgenders) without working on their transition. This notion that y'all keep spreading that transexuals don't need to transition to be their true self is dangerous, not just to gay men in the case of trans gay men but to the trans men themselves, I've experienced it myself and someone even posted a convo he had with a woman on Grindr claiming to be a gay man and saying they don't need to transition to be a gay man and that gay men who refuse to sleep with them are transphobic, can you just imagine? it was deleted some minutes later because it deviated from the thread's topic. If Luis is indeed choosing not to fully transition because of money, then it's valid but if he's choosing not to transition because they thinks they don't need to but still refers to themselves as a trans man, then that's a problem

In lieu of your response to me I’ll save some time and character count and just ask for you to provide me with the official rule book on being trans. Paperback or hard cover is fine
In lieu of your response to me I’ll save some time and character count and just ask for you to provide me with the official rule book on being trans. Paperback or hard cover is fine
Anything to deflect or deny what I said despite Jeffer, a pan man who dated a transman confirming it in his text above. Just so you know, I'm talking about transexuals not transgenders
Anything to deflect or deny what I said despite Jeffer, a pan man who dated a transman confirming it in his text above. Just so you know, I'm talking about transexuals not transgenders

If you really want to get into it then fine lol

You ended your post off with the following

“ If Luis is indeed choosing not to fully transition because of money, then it's valid but if he's choosing not to transition because they thinks they don't need to but still refers to themselves as a trans man, then that's a problem”

Your problem is that you think that’s some sort of solution or “finish line” but this thread itself has shown that some don’t even consider that enough and still call more feminine trans men like Noahway a woman and continue to discredit his gender.

The point is some people will NEVER be happy and will live in their transphobic and or dismissive views, so trying to set some benchmark standard on what it is or isn’t to be valid as a trans person in terms of the physical presentation. Is a trans woman not a woman if she never gets gender reassignment surgery and still has a penis? What if she’s on estrogen but doesn’t get facial feminization surgery.

I’m not trying to dismiss the physical aspect outright, because using your point, if a ultra fem cis woman declares she’s a trans man then I know she’s not going to be taken seriously in that moment, but like I said, making a check sheet on the physical requirements and aspects is not a way to go about determining what’s valid because there is no universal list and there never will be.
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If you really want to get into it then fine lol

You ended your post off with the following

“ If Luis is indeed choosing not to fully transition because of money, then it's valid but if he's choosing not to transition because they thinks they don't need to but still refers to themselves as a trans man, then that's a problem”

Your problem is that you think that’s some sort of solution or “finish line” but this thread itself has shown that some don’t even consider that enough and still call more feminine trans men like Noahway a woman and continue to discredit his gender.

The point is some people will NEVER be happy and will live in their transphobic and or dismissive views, so trying to set some benchmark standard on what it is or isn’t to be valid as a trans person in terms of the physical presentation. Is a trans woman not a woman if she never gets gender reassignment surgery and still has a penis? What if she’s on estrogen but doesn’t get facial feminization surgery.

I’m not trying to dismiss the physical aspect outright, because using your point, if a ultra fem cis woman declares she’s a trans man then I know she’s not going to be taken seriously in that moment, but like I said, making a check sheet on the physical requirements and aspects is not a way to go about determining what’s valid because there is no universal list and there never will be.

Do you ask all of this shit from straight? Why do I have partcipate in forced soldarity politcs?
Do you ask all of this shit from straight? Why do I have partcipate in forced soldarity politcs?

Which straight? Straight people? The Bering Strait?

I wasn’t aware I was even asking anything of anyone, I was just pointing out the fact that in terms of trans people there’s no definitive answer or benchmark on what it is to be, trans. And here’s the great thing no one is forcing you to do anything! would it be nice if you and straight people had some empathy and decency for trans people and their journeys? Yes. But can anyone force you? No. So I don’t know why you’re acting as if you’re being forced.
Which straight? Straight people? The Bering Strait?

I wasn’t aware I was even asking anything of anyone, I was just pointing out the fact that in terms of trans people there’s no definitive answer or benchmark on what it is to be, trans. And here’s the great thing no one is forcing you to do anything! would it be nice if you and straight people had some empathy and decency for trans people and their journeys? Yes. But can anyone force you? No. So I don’t know why you’re acting as if you’re being forced.

so clever.
I'm indifferent to the whole mess.
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Your first post more than says otherwise

But if you’re truly indifferent then you can stay out of it

This is a porn site. These guys are porn stars so they can screw whomever they want. My point of contention is that straight men would turn violent if transwomen and male-on-male sodomy were in their porn.
This is a porn site. These guys are porn stars so they can screw whomever they want. My point of contention is that straight men would turn violent if transwomen and male-on-male sodomy were in their porn.

It seems some people in this thread can only understand their sexual identity through the actions of the porn actors they're attracted to, with even minor deviations from regular viewing schedules triggering a category-five identity crisis.

Let's be clear: if your gay identity is solely derived from the porn you jack off to, the identity of gayness you're defending is a joke. Pure and simple. If your self-concept is mediated solely through the porn you watch and the expectations of those actors, you add nothing to the community. You're living in a fantasy where not only do you outsource your sexual gratification to performers, but also your sense of belonging and identity.

The idea that the community is “under attack” because of parasocial disappointments with strangers is absurd. There’s no shortage of gay porn, and there will continue to be plenty for years to come. However, if you want an authentic connection with someone, you need to step out into the real world and engage with them. But what’s happening here is projection—you see yourself in the pornstars, then get upset when something filmed weeks ago doesn’t let you fully inhabit that fantasy for the 12 minutes it takes to knock one out. This frustration then warps into a misguided, almost jingoistic defence of “the gays,” totally disconnected from the essence of gay rights advocacy: the freedom to express one’s sexual identity without prejudice. It has never been about essentializing what it means to be gay.

If your sense of self feels threatened by the actions of porn actors-who, by the way, are neither confined to your fantasies nor have any real intention of connecting with you personally-it's time to step back and reevaluate. Real relationships and genuine connections with others can help you explore who you are beyond the surface of sexual desire. Interacting with real people, with all their complexities and nuances, will do far more for your self-understanding and acceptance.

Your fantasy that you are defending gay rights on here is nothing more than another rope of watery spunk splattering out as you sit in your own pool of confusion. And you have the nerve to project clapped-out ideas of "what pride used to be" or pretend to protect gayness, when in reality, this wet, sentimental bullshit prevents you from engaging with the deeper, more authentic aspects of identity.
This is a porn site. These guys are porn stars so they can screw whomever they want. My point of contention is that straight men would turn violent if transwomen and male-on-male sodomy were in their porn.

Not really sure what point you’re trying to make since

1. Plenty of straight men like trans women and are also completely comfortable with it / don’t think it makes them anything other than straight

2. Why would a straight guy be watching male/male aka gay porn in the first place.

Like this is such a non-issue lol, if you don’t like a particular genre of porn, a particular performer, or anything about it you simply don’t like…..then don’t watch it 😱

Like some of you are really acting like you’re being sat down and strapped in like this IMG_4042.jpeg

while being forced to watch a newly out trans man serenade you while playing with a vibrator
Not really sure what point you’re trying to make since

1. Plenty of straight men like trans women and are also completely comfortable with it / don’t think it makes them anything other than straight

2. Why would a straight guy be watching male/male aka gay porn in the first place.

Like this is such a non-issue lol, if you don’t like a particular genre of porn, a particular performer, or anything about it you simply don’t like…..then don’t watch it 😱

Like some of you are really acting like you’re being sat down and strapped in like this View attachment 153991141
while being forced to watch a newly out trans man serenade you while playing with a vibrator
They so LOVE feeling oppressed, don't they? Wait, let me check for a violin to play...
Your problem is that you think that’s some sort of solution or “finish line” but this thread itself has shown that some don’t even consider that enough and still call more feminine trans men like Noahway a woman and continue to discredit his gender.
I don't really agree with the bolded and I've even reported transphobic posts on this thread before but that being said, it shouldn't be used to justify trans men and women not wanting to transition because of society's ignorance
I don't really agree with the bolded and I've even reported transphobic posts on this thread before but that being said, it shouldn't be used to justify trans men and women not wanting to transition because of society's ignorance
“Society” needs to dream bigger if this is what they’re concerned with.
1. Plenty of straight men like trans women and are also completely comfortable with it / don’t think it makes them anything other than straight

2. Why would a straight guy be watching male/male aka gay porn in the first place.
I think he meant adding trans women and bi porn to their studio's roster which straight porn studios never do, you will never see some sort of bisexual or trans porn when browsing sites like Brazzers.

Funny how folks like you never seem to criticize straight porn studios that don't mix straight, trans and bi porn (and no, ffm isn't seen as bi porn) on their site but gay men have to open our arms to those types of porn when we scroll studios like Men who's owned by the same company that owns Brazzers. People criticize gay men for not wanting to see those scenes calling us misogynistic and transphobic instead of blaming these companies for doing what capitalists do best, trying to maximize profits with minimal investments, their bi studio was a huge flop since the Arad scene so when they rebranded to Aylo or whatever they call themselves, they decided to kill two birds with one stone by using their gay studio as collateral damage, ending their bi studio and adding the bi content to the gay site, why didn't they add it to their straight porn roster if they wanted to seem politically correct? Folks like you keep mute on the opposite end especially when trans women are the ones discriminated the most as they are not seen as "real women" compared to trans men in gay porn. How do your surface level activism advocate for those or it ends on the gay spectrum? Double standards are really doubling

Fortunately for Aylo, we are in the personal content era that they can't even match hence why there was no backlash like the Arad scene that prompted them to create their own bi studio which in turn also flopped because no one cares for them like we did back in the day
I think he meant adding trans women and bi porn to their studio's roster which straight porn studios never do, you will never see some sort of bisexual or trans porn when browsing sites like Brazzers.

Funny how folks like you never seem to criticize straight porn studios that don't mix straight, trans and bi porn (and no, ffm isn't seen as bi porn) on their site but gay men have to open our arms to those types of porn when we scroll studios like Men who's owned by the same company that owns Brazzers. People criticize gay men for not wanting to see those scenes calling us misogynistic and transphobic instead of blaming these companies for doing what capitalists do best, trying to maximize profits with minimal investments, their bi studio was a huge flop since the Arad scene so when they rebranded to Aylo or whatever they call themselves, they decided to kill two birds with one stone by using their gay studio as collateral damage, ending their bi studio and adding the bi content to the gay site, why didn't they add it to their straight porn roster if they wanted to seem politically correct? Folks like you keep mute on the opposite end especially when trans women are the ones discriminated the most as they are not seen as "real women" compared to trans men in gay porn. How do your surface level activism advocate for those or it ends on the gay spectrum? Double standards are really doubling

Fortunately for Aylo, we are in the personal content era that they can't even match hence why there was no backlash like the Arad scene that prompted them to create their own bi studio which in turn also flopped because no one cares for them like we did back in the day

Maybe because I don’t follow straight porn studios nor do I care about them? Why would I criticize something I don’t even follow.

Like you want to try and make it seem like it’s some big revelation when your argument on this is the epitome of “whataboutism”

Literally the only studio I know that has done any sort of content like you’re mentioning is Literally every other major studio I haven’t seen anything of the sort but you want to make it seem like gay porn is under attack lol

To which I say

1. You seriously need to reprioritize your life if porn matters this much to you
2. Step back and consider how much porn you’re consuming if you're keeping this close of tabs on porn/porn studios.