Video Openly Gay Men Trying And Experimenting With Str8/bi/ftm Porn! Some For The Very First Time.

And once again, no hate like love from "the gays". Let trans men mind their own businesses and mind your own business, for once.

But how can I get my nut off to these pornstars if I don’t have a written affidavit from all their sexual partners confirming they are 100% gay!?!!??
Implying that a trans person isn’t valid because they haven’t had a surgery done yet (and maybe can’t afford it yet) is so gross lol
Half of the users in this thread are hateful, ignorant or anti-trans. They just can't stay away, which is ironic and shows their obsession
And once again, no hate like love from "the gays". Let trans men mind their own businesses and mind your own business, for once.
If they did that, this thread wouldn't exist

But how can I get my nut off to these pornstars if I don’t have a written affidavit from all their sexual partners confirming they are 100% gay!?!!??
The biphobia is real in this one
Implying that a trans person isn’t valid because they haven’t had a surgery done yet (and maybe can’t afford it yet) is so gross lol
This bolded is valid but let's not pretend we don't have some delulu people who think they can be transexuals (not transgenders) without working on their transition. This notion that y'all keep spreading that transexuals don't need to transition to be their true self is dangerous, not just to gay men in the case of trans gay men but to the trans men themselves, I've experienced it myself and someone even posted a convo he had with a woman on Grindr claiming to be a gay man and saying they don't need to transition to be a gay man and that gay men who refuse to sleep with them are transphobic, can you just imagine? it was deleted some minutes later because it deviated from the thread's topic. If Luis is indeed choosing not to fully transition because of money, then it's valid but if he's choosing not to transition because they thinks they don't need to but still refers to themselves as a trans man, then that's a problem