Owen Lindberg

Lmfao. Think about how pathetic your life is. You're trolling a thread about a hot white guy. Is this all of your existence? You're just bitter because you'd never have a chance with him, so instead, you've resorted to posting hateful stuff about him.
No, I’m posting stuff about you, because you’re a self-loathing loser. Make something of your life before it’s too late.
Thank you!

These Antifa cultists. What a pathetic, hypocritical and mindless bunch they really are.
you know antifa means anti-fascism and fascism is an ideology that says a nationalist and totalitarist dictatorship is the best way.... so antifa basically is against dictatorship
you know antifa means anti-fascism and fascism is an ideology that says a nationalist and totalitarist dictatorship is the best way.... so antifa basically is against dictatorship

That is such bullshit, idiotic logic.

North Korea's official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. You really gonna tell me that North Korea is democratic? Here's the thing, idiot... just because a group of people give themselves a name, it doesn't mean that the name is truthful or accurate.

Antifa are more akin to the Nazi Brownshirts or Mussolini's Blackshirts.
That is such bullshit, idiotic logic.

North Korea's official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. You really gonna tell me that North Korea is democratic? Here's the thing, idiot... just because a group of people give themselves a name, it doesn't mean that the name is truthful or accurate.

Antifa are more akin to the Nazi Brownshirts or Mussolini's Blackshirts.
why are u so mad? are u that insecure? antifa wanna throw trump away. also u tend to refer to it as an organization which it isnt
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Hes so passed his porn life. He is making positive moves with his T-shirt line and music coming soon.
If his career in modeling and acting ends, onlyfans will be back up and running and that guy hole will spread to all to see. Not just to the photographers and casting directors who balls are slapping are against his cheeks as we speak.