I don't know about interesting. Intriguing to a degree; as in the study of his motivations for his queerbaiting. Maybe bad experiences with gay agents, photographers, designers and even sugar daddies that used him and tossed him aside and now it's "payback" time against the gay/bi male community. Or it's just so damn easy to get us to pay for his shit. You're right to put "bi" in quotation marks. He's not. To your point, many of these guys engage in the same behavior and are straight as arrows. It does nothing to impact their dating/sex life as there are women who are more than happy to still be with them despite their gay/bi alter egos. His queerbaiting activity does indeed rise to the level of insulting and manipulative and is most definitely targeted toward his actually gay and bisexual male fan base. Another great point that you made is that he does this due to the gullibility and "wishful thinking" of this same fan base who think even a drop of this behavior must mean he's "secretly" bisexual or gay and thus they subscribe, buy his content, defend him on social media, etc.
But all of the "down to earth," "nice" bits are more of his manipulation. He's even tried to tie his antics to charity. He's in this for the money and notoriety. He doesn't want to be your friend, he wants loyal followers who engage with his content, subscribe to his page, send him gifts/money and keep his name out there. He thinks of fans as expendable. Even one of his proteges has a big banner on his Twitter that says "Simp Hub." He makes constant references to being worshipped. That's what he and his cohorts think of us. That's why they use titles like cashmaster. Some of us are easy targets for this type of behavior. Any attention from a "superior," "real man" straight man is worthy of completing debasing themselves and turning their gay or bisexual identity into a mockery for these fuckheads. And yes, the vast majority of women would never debase themselves to the level some gay/bi men due for men via gifts or money; but the women that will, they end up dating. So it's nothing but a win/win scenario for them as they don't ever have to do anything actually gay/bi to get extreme loyalty or money/gifts from gay/bi men and still be 100% straight IRL. He's a walking red flag that should be avoided at all costs.