Owen Lindberg

Just woundering are the model pics pre porn career? I was under the impression (according to most everyone on here.) that porn the lowest of low and once you do it your shunned by Hollywood and the models. Even McDonald's wouldn't take your ass.
So hoping this proves them wrong. Lmao
Just woundering are the model pics pre porn career? I was under the impression (according to most everyone on here.) that porn the lowest of low and once you do it your shunned by Hollywood and the models. Even McDonald's wouldn't take your ass.
So hoping this proves them wrong. Lmao

That would have definitely happened in the 1980's, 1900's... Fashion models would have been blacklisted by Model Agencies if they also worked in porn. From an Agency's perspective, they're trying to secure high paying luxury clients for their models and those brands wouldn't want to be associated with adult film stars.

I guess things change over time. With society's perception of porn becoming less severe, I don't think everyone thinks of it as so shameful anymore, people have become less close-minded. Modern models also have an advantage with social media. They can take their careers into their own hands and manage their own image, promote themselves, strike promotional deals with brands directly. Model Agencies don't hold all of the power any more.
I'm beyond sick of the nasty people on this thread who just keep bashing Owen and saying the same stuff over and over again. Most people, I mean, most people who actually have a life, come to this thread to enjoy Owen's physical beauty. I don't think anyone comes here to see if he has written a book about his philosophy of life or to find reasons to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. On a site dedicated to helping its members wank off to photos of hot guys, it is bizarre to read members posting about virtue as though they were Mother Theresa or Mahatma Gandhi or something. The posts of the Owen bashers are repetitious, boring, and lacking completely in imagination or creativity. Why don't you bitter, middle aged queens go start a thread in one of the chat sections, "Why Owen Lindberg is Bringing About The Collapse of Western Civilization," and spew out your venom there? I promise you, none of Owen's fans who frequents this thread will miss any of your nasty, long-winded, and pointless posts! Now you can start attacking my post and throw viscous comments at me, but I am sorry, sometimes the truth hurts!
ow owen got mad
It’s not Owen lol. Says the guy joined in 2011. Owen would’ve been a kid at that time.

Honestly I don’t blame the guy for going off. If you don’t find someone attractive why go on their thread to bash them? We’re here to admire beauty not talk crap.

I have the biggest crush on Parker Lanosa and all they do is talk shit on his thread. You can air out your grievances but keep in mind most of us want to get off.

Owen doesn’t sound like the nicest guy from what I’ve read here but he makes me nut.

That is all.
It’s not Owen lol. Says the guy joined in 2011. Owen would’ve been a kid at that time.

Honestly I don’t blame the guy for going off. If you don’t find someone attractive why go on their thread to bash them? We’re here to admire beauty not talk crap.

I have the biggest crush on Parker Lanosa and all they do is talk shit on his thread. You can air out your grievances but keep in mind most of us want to get off.

Owen doesn’t sound like the nicest guy from what I’ve read here but he makes me nut.

That is all.
Honestly, I pay no attention to what these guys do. I get my nut and move on