Photos & Videos Pedro Rocha - @pedrcrocha

When I saw this photo, my head instantly saw the face of a Brazilian influencer called Gkay in place of his lol

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(Tal Mãe, Tal filho)

She is another case where she overdid it with cosmetic procedures. But fortunately for her, she realized it before it reached an irreversible point. She removed a lot of the product she had put on her face. She was lucky that she got through it well because that is not always the case.

Her at worst point:
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Her now:
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And he's already halfway there...

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TikTok - Make Your Day
that’s sad man his face already perfect even without surgery
Omfg I just saw him on twitter for the first time in a long time and wtf 😭 his face looks so horrible, it's so fucking sad. He was so beautiful but now he looks just like all the people who get bad surgery. His face was his most beautiful feature but now he looks like a who from the grinch movie 😭 R.I.P to his natural beautiful face.
nada da mamada no Teninchtop?
que enrolação, nenhum dos dois postou? A gente já sabe que o Pedro não aguentou, libera só a mamada msm
Sim, já sabemos que não aguentou mesmo! Uma enrolação pra postar um vídeo nem que seja curto! Que descaso!