Peter Grom

I think this is the scary part of being an adult performer in today's world. There is harsh criticism on every single thing and it's not healthy. Not only that, there is also a lot of entitlement from fans especially since they feel that they need to get their money's worth of content. Porn is so addicting, so no wonder why people are wanting more and more and the thirst doesn't stop.

I get that a lot were disappointed because he hyped it up and personally replied to everyone's messages but at the end of the day, if he doesn't want to do it then we have to accept it and move on to the next adult performer.
I am back and do intend on staying. Thank you for having a beautiful and forgiving heart; not many people share your perspective but I greatly appreciate you sharing it.
He hasn’t been active on OnlyFans since mid-July. It looks like he’s abandoned OnlyFans and he deleted his Twitter account. :(

He logs into onlyfans every now and then but I'm not getting my hopes up. Just hope he's doing alright.

Hello all, sorry I’ve been MIA (again); I was moving and was robbed at gunpoint and have been locked out of my OF while getting a new phone, cards etc all the while updating my address. Life has been nonstop chaos this year, and I can’t express my gratitude to those quick to defend me

I haven’t forgotten about any of you, those upset or not. I apologize and promise to be posting regularly. That being said my gf and I will be posting pictures, videos, photo-shoot sets and fulfilling customs.

The rest of this month will be putting great efforts into creating content.

To the non-believers: I’m sorry I’ve failed you, but don’t be upset; give me a week and I’ll have updated content posted… how would y’all prefer I prove I am myself? Comment/reply below please.
Sorry to hear about you being robbed.

Being robbed doesn't account for not having access to your accounts. Your info and access is spread accross all your devices. If this did cuase issues then maybe you should be compensating members for months of not posting. However, a business man doesn't stop running his business because of one incident.

There are a lot of people who have been past performers who have popped up here and promoted their OF and then posted a few posts and then nothing, so you are one of them.
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Sorry to hear about you being robbed.

Being robbed doesn't account for not having access to your accounts. Your info and access is spread accross all your devices. If this did cuase issues then maybe you should be compensating members for months of not posting. However, a business man doesn't stop running his business because of one incident.

There are a lot of people who have been past performers who have popped up here and promoted their OF and then posted a few posts and then nothing, so you are one of them.
You do understand that if my phone was stolen, I can’t access my onlyfans? It requires a 2-step verification process in order to protect my account.

Please, keep in mind this isn’t my only form of income, I work a regular job and try to live a normal life; with more success in OF I’ll eventually invest entirely into OF… but that’s only if it takes off, it is nowhere near a living wage whatsoever.

I appreciate you caring enough to let me know, I’m returning; should be by the end of the week
Resusbscribe??? I didn't subscribe in the first place. I, and a whole lot of other people knew it was a cash grab. We were waiting to see if it was really him (Which the person never proved was him) so....
Then you have no space to be trashing this thread! Get out!
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Being robbed doesn't account for not having access to your accounts. Your info and access is spread accross all your devices. If this did cuase issues then maybe you should be compensating members for months of not posting. However, a business man doesn't stop running his business because of one incident.

There are a lot of people who have been past performers who have popped up here and promoted their OF and then posted a few posts and then nothing, so you are one of them.
You're just that inconsiderate, aren't you? You haven't even subscribed once so you shouldn't even complain and keep bugging Peter here. The man just went through so much. We will keep reporting you until you get banned or kicked out. I've seen that happen more than once.
Hello all, sorry I’ve been MIA (again); I was moving and was robbed at gunpoint and have been locked out of my OF while getting a new phone, cards etc all the while updating my address. Life has been nonstop chaos this year, and I can’t express my gratitude to those quick to defend me

I haven’t forgotten about any of you, those upset or not. I apologize and promise to be posting regularly. That being said my gf and I will be posting pictures, videos, photo-shoot sets and fulfilling customs.

The rest of this month will be putting great efforts into creating content.

To the non-believers: I’m sorry I’ve failed you, but don’t be upset; give me a week and I’ll have updated content posted… how would y’all prefer I prove I am myself? Comment/reply below please.
MY GOSH, PETER, YOU'RE BACK! So sorry you had to go through all that. First advice, ignore the trolls and demanding/inconsiderate posters here. They're toxic and will exhaust all your energy and dampen your spirit of you engage them. Ignoring them will will piss them off :) Best response/revenge is to report them so they get banned eventually. And don't worry, your genuine fans are here waiting patiently for your comeback. This is gonna be exciting!
Hello all, sorry I’ve been MIA (again); I was moving and was robbed at gunpoint and have been locked out of my OF while getting a new phone, cards etc all the while updating my address. Life has been nonstop chaos this year, and I can’t express my gratitude to those quick to defend me

I haven’t forgotten about any of you, those upset or not. I apologize and promise to be posting regularly. That being said my gf and I will be posting pictures, videos, photo-shoot sets and fulfilling customs.

The rest of this month will be putting great efforts into creating content.

To the non-believers: I’m sorry I’ve failed you, but don’t be upset; give me a week and I’ll have updated content posted… how would y’all prefer I prove I am myself? Comment/reply below please.
Will you make a new twitter or have any other socials
Will you make a new twitter or have any other socials
JUST made a new Twitter by the same exact name! Feel free to share it around; I’ll be running a promotion for referrals here pretty soon. I plan on regularly posting content on it from now on!
Rest assured, I'm one of your earliest followers. Question, what happened to the old Twitter account? You got a good amount of followers there..
When I was robbed I was subsequently hacked and locked out of my account; unfortunately the only thing I could do was deactivate the entire account
When I was robbed I was subsequently hacked and locked out of my account; unfortunately the only thing I could do was deactivate the entire account
Good thing you didn't get locked out of OF. You were still able to log on there and be remain acttive.