Philippe Soulier

Most people here accept that there is some form of "gay-for-pay".

The difference is you guys think like 90+% of gay porn actors are straight and bisexuality is just pretending and we think g4p is small but very loud minority and pretending to be straight is common among them.
It's irritating because it seems like bissexuality is not fully accepted lol.
I've seen cases like ainguru (sonny colucci) and mikefitness being called g4p because recently they're talking about women or fucking with them.
Bisexuality is valid if you’re having sex with the same and opposite sex for pleasure and not monetizing it in any way.
The guys listed are only doing it when the cameras are on or when escorting.
Wow a new rule to validate bisexuality...🤡
So what about gay porn stars. You really believe that 90% are str8 since they're monetizing their sex.
And for str8 porn stars how does this work too since it's the same for them...
Wow a new rule to validate bisexuality...🤡
So what about gay porn stars. You really believe that 90% are str8 since they're monetizing their sex.
And for str8 porn stars how does this work too since it's the same for them...
There’s a difference between being bisexual and “buy-sexual.” 🤡
Those theoretical 90% of gay porn stars have been having sex with men off camera for pleasure and not money way before OF and still do.
There’s a difference between being bisexual and “buy-sexual.” 🤡
Those theoretical 90% of gay porn stars have been having sex with men off camera for pleasure and not money way before OF and still do.
😮‍💨🤦🏿‍♂️ You seem to know them well...
Why those guys who believe and defend gay-for-pay also always try to deny when someone identify as bisexual lol. And when someone show evidence they mess around with men off camera or name the ones who are "actually bi" they play a straight bat.
Wow a new rule to validate bisexuality...🤡
So what about gay porn stars. You really believe that 90% are str8 since they're monetizing their sex.
And for str8 porn stars how does this work too since it's the same for them...
Too late but there is a lot of missing question marks. My bad lol
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Why is important his sexuality, is not enough see him having sex ?
In all the threads i saw arguments about the sexuality of the porn actors.
Hi is fucking a guy, woman, trans, etc. Just enjoy bro
Why is important his sexuality, is not enough see him having sex ?
In all the threads i saw arguments about the sexuality of the porn actors.
Hi is fucking a guy, woman, trans, etc. Just enjoy bro
I do agree with you. I don't care much about it because I watch both gay and st8 porn. My only concern that get me reacting is the use of g4p rather than bi to anyone who don't meet gay standard.

But it matters to some people. Because it's all about fantasy...

Some people have huge turn on when it comes to str8 porn actors doing g4p.

Others hate it because it's fake.

Even solo porn actors like jakipz are questioned about their sexuality lol

That's why sexuality his always a topic talk about here.
I just roll my eyes at you heauxes twisting yourself into a pretzel to make these guys straight, jakipz proves that you can still have a huge following and make thousands of dollars, WITHOUT having sex with people you dont wanna have sex with, if you're hot and know how to market yourself. Its giving guys like him arent strategically savvy enough to carve that lane for them, if they wanted it, so they go for the easy route, cause clearly they arent against being intimate with other men.
I just roll my eyes at you heauxes twisting yourself into a pretzel to make these guys straight, jakipz proves that you can still have a huge following and make thousands of dollars, WITHOUT having sex with people you dont wanna have sex with, if you're hot and know how to market yourself. Its giving guys like him arent strategically savvy enough to carve that lane for them, if they wanted it, so they go for the easy route, cause clearly they arent against being intimate with other men.
Well said!