Photo of the day !!


A large bunch of unripe bananas hangs from a tree.
Highland Clans and the Trail of Tartan

Immerse yourself in the history, culture and stunning scenery of the Scottish Highlands, guided by a globe-trotting Scottish bagpiper on this 8-day trip! Along the way, we'll uncover the history of the House of Stuart and the Jacobite rebellion, sip Scotch whisky, explore historic castles and ruins, and enjoy the music and dancing of a traditional Cèilidh.
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View attachment 110047221
A large bunch of unripe bananas hangs from a tree.
Highland Clans and the Trail of Tartan

Immerse yourself in the history, culture and stunning scenery of the Scottish Highlands, guided by a globe-trotting Scottish bagpiper on this 8-day trip! Along the way, we'll uncover the history of the House of Stuart and the Jacobite rebellion, sip Scotch whisky, explore historic castles and ruins, and enjoy the music and dancing of a traditional Cèilidh.
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Stunning scenery is right bruh ;)
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View attachment 110047221
A large bunch of unripe bananas hangs from a tree.
Highland Clans and the Trail of Tartan

Immerse yourself in the history, culture and stunning scenery of the Scottish Highlands, guided by a globe-trotting Scottish bagpiper on this 8-day trip! Along the way, we'll uncover the history of the House of Stuart and the Jacobite rebellion, sip Scotch whisky, explore historic castles and ruins, and enjoy the music and dancing of a traditional Cèilidh.
Book now →
If only it was a windy day :(
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Upcoming solar maximum could scramble migrating birds' internal compass, new study shows
(Mike Powels via Getty Images)

By analyzing how birds migrated across the U.S. over a 23-year period, researchers have shown that solar weather events can seriously disrupt the navigation of the wandering avians.
Full Story: Live Science (10/13)
11,000-year-old statue of giant man clutching penis unearthed in Turkey
(Anadolu Agency / Contributor via Getty Images)
11,000-year-old statue of giant man clutching penis unearthed in Turkey
A 7.5-foot-tall statue of a man clutching his penis was unearthed at one of the oldest temple sites in Turkey.

City-size comet racing toward Earth regrows 'horns' after massive volcanic eruption
(Comet Chasers/Richard Miles)
City-size comet racing toward Earth regrows 'horns' after massive volcanic eruption
The cryovolcanic comet will make its closest approach to Earth next year.

could be aged joe wrong
but notice recently

weve been told humankind descended from apes/it ow seems a popular teort forming is 'gigantism'

go figureelieve scientists can huh

beeware , our young

if anyone can change history/b​