Photo of the day !!

Mystery blobs in Earth's mantle may be linked to ancient gold and platinum that arrived from space
(Yuri_Arcurs/Getty Images)

Mystery blobs in Earth's mantle may be linked to ancient gold and platinum that arrived from space

The gold and platinum that came from giant space rocks should have sunk into Earth's core instead of rising to the crust.


Strange anomaly in sun's solar cycle discovered in centuries-old texts from Korea
(Yan et al. 2023)

Strange anomaly in sun's solar cycle discovered in centuries-old texts from Korea

Aurora records in royal chronicles from Korea show that during the 'Maunder Minimum' between 1645 and 1715, the sun's solar cycles became several years shorter than they are today.
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Air purifiers aren't enough to rid homes of gases from wildfires. Here's what to do
(AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
Air purifiers aren't enough to rid homes of gases from wildfires. Here's what to do
Harmful gases from wildfire smoke can hang around in the walls and floors of your home for weeks. Thankfully, cleaning helps.

never had threat of wiildfires in nz
but several yars in australia,yes

Scientists decode 'LEGO protein' that makes sperm swim

Scientists decode 'LEGO protein' that makes sperm swim

Scientists have decoded a protein from sea-urchin sperm that's also found in other animals, including humans, raising a new potential avenue for treating male infertility and developing male birth control.

wasent there a leader who along with a few others,was determined to get rid of scientist';s

dusagreed wholeheartedly

engineers,,another human marvell​
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A chunk of the moon appears to be orbiting near Earth, new study suggests
(Addy Graham/University of Arizona)
A chunk of the moon appears to be orbiting near Earth, new study suggests
The asteroid Kamo'oalewa may have been ejected by a massive impact on Earth's moon, a new simulation has revealed.
LIGO gravitational wave detector breaks 'quantum limit'
(R. Hurt/Caltech-JPL)

Earth's premier gravitational wave detector just received a major upgrade that will significantly improve its ability to spot ripples in the fabric of space and time - undulations created by collisions between black holes or neutron stars, and sometimes, between both.
"We can now reach the deeper universe and are expecting to detect about 60 percent more mergers than before," scientists say.
Full Story: S

oftrn think,we could be going overboard with thought and theory ha

me,to talk haha
LIGO gravitational wave detector breaks 'quantum limit''quantum limit'
(R. Hurt/Caltech-JPL)

Earth's premier gravitational wave detector just received a major upgrade that will significantly improve its ability to spot ripples in the fabric of space and time - undulations created by collisions between black holes or neutron stars, and sometimes, between both.
"We can now reach the deeper universe and are expecting to detect about 60 percent more mergers than before," scientists say.
Full Story: S

oftrn think,we could be going overboard with thought and theory ha

me,to talk haha

smile ldog,bill
you dont have to agree re poor/harmless me yhaha/laugh
i hope haha
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