1. Anyone can use them, though those being penetrated use them more often.
2. Branding doesn't do too much, though jungle juice and rush have rarely disappointed me.
3. If you can't go to a shop in person about it, online is the only other option.
4. Bottles can last anywhere from a week, to 2 months. Depends on how good you are about keeping it sealed. From what I can tell the fridge/freezer thing is both "you're clearly not using it" and because it's sealed.
5. Never tried hexyl yet.

The headaches are mostly from after the effects have worn off and your blood vessels have returned to their normal wall size (the brain doesn't like making adjustments like that)

I do find that they can help calm me emotionally.
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P.S. Know that there are also many different types of poppers: Amyl Nitrite (the original), Butyl Nitrite, IsoButyl Nitrite, CycloHexyl Nitrite. IsoPropyl Nitrite, Alkyl Nitrite. Each name refers to the molecular structure of the liquid. It’s been a long time, so I can’t remember them all now, but for instance, “ClycloHexyl” was a molecular structure that contained six carbon atoms connected in a hexagonal shape IsoButyl had an extra oxygen atom, isolated off of the carbon chain, etc. etc. I’m not a chemist, but way back in the day, a guy who was a chemist explained all of this to me. Also, I asked him about any cacinogenic effects from poppers, and I remember him saying that the longer the carbon chain got at the molecular level, the more there *could* be a chance of carcinogenic properties. However, no poppers formulation was even close to having that long of a carbon chain. Also, studies have been done in the U.K. that show poppers to be relatively benign, and even my PCP, who is homosexual, and a long time experienced physician who specializes in gay men told me “no, we really don’t think so” when I asked him about any negative health effects. They are almost, *almost* as benign as inhaling helium to make your voce sound funny. However, overuse, heavy binge use, etc. can cause superficial issues (I would know. Ha.). So moderate. You will learn what and how much you are comfortable with.

I will say though, that I could “popper” just about anyone under the table. Ha.

Hey bro, since youre a very long term user, any feedback on building a tolerance?it seems to me that since i started using them 10 years ago and even after experimenting with nearly all types and avoiding the ones that cause eye problems and headaches (im avoding isopropyl like the plague), i still dont get the insane results i used to have in the past. Are you increasing the dosages/using the rag method? french amyl seems the safest one for me btw.
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Hey bro, since youre a very long term user, any feedback on building a tolerance?it seems to me that since i started using them 10 years ago and even after experimenting with nearly all types and avoiding the ones that cause eye problems and headaches (im avoding isopropyl like the plague), i still dont get the insane results i used to have in the past. Are you increasing the dosages/using the rag method? french amyl seems the safest one for me btw.

As far as build up tolerance over years etc., I can’t really say that I have. Tolerance usually comes from heavy use over a day or so. After a weekend bender I will give it a rest for a few or sometimes several days, or a week at least. Also, you have to remember that every time you open and huff that bottle, the bottle is exposed to air (as well as higher temperatures from being held in your hand, or just the room temperature) and it weakens slightly. Eventually it goes stale, and you need a new bottle. When you’re brand new to poppers, of course, it’s this amazing thing and you just want it all the time. People are in the “honeymoon stage” with it. That wears off, of course.

I never use a rag, always straight from the bottle. Also, there’s no way for me to “increase the dosage” as I am already an advanced user who takes in a lot more than a lot of people. Like I’ve said before, I can huff just about anyone under the table. LOL.

Interesting that Isopropyl has that effect on you. For me, Isobutyl is the one I avoid like the plague. But everyone is different so you just have to find from experience what works best for you.
another thing people see guys doing in porn is poppers sure the feeling of it might be great--but the problems outweigh the benefits of it--google and read up about poppers before you decide to do them--guys have been known to die from it andsometimes the bottom takes the poppers it deadens his senses enough to where the top can fuck him hard and wont slow down because youre feeling him fucking you may feel like normal-- but i n reality he is fucking you harder than you know--

i have talked to guys that used poppers--said they wouldnt do it again because of the pain their bodies and ass endured the next day after a while they also cause erectile disfunction--alot of guys cant get aroused--and even if decide to quit poppers takes time for penis to re adapt to feeling normal

you can take poppers but read up on it and be safe--common sense tells you to use a substance that alters the mind cant be good for you--just like any other mind altering drug--do them too much it does alot of damage
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Tbh, I tend to binge and then abstain for a while. I've just come off of a three day binge (which, among other things, produced a new album in my gallery lol), and I'm feeling completely sated. The intensity of the experience can be addictive but I find three days and I'm done. It's like my brain is saying enough already. Makes sense to let your body recover too. And three days is in my experience the peak potency of a bottle. It rapidly drops away after that.

I've been using for several years and I don't get the side effects of headaches or eye flashes that I occasionally used to get in the beginning.

Tolerance? Maybe. I've certainly moved on to the new, more potent brands being marketed now, which give a much more intense rush, no doubt about that.

I don't advocate their use. Extreme care always. And never mix with erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra.
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Poppers the number one cause for HIV transmission and HiV progression. Still find it amazing that most gay men have learned absolutely nothing from the 80s and 90s. I really do question the psychological mentality of man gay men.
Poppers the number one cause for HIV transmission and HiV progression. Still find it amazing that most gay men have learned absolutely nothing from the 80s and 90s. I really do question the psychological mentality of man gay men.

Holy fucking shit, you are a moron! Who are you, Peter Duesberg?
Tbh, I tend to binge and then abstain for a while. I've just come off of a three day binge (which, among other things, produced a new album in my gallery lol), and I'm feeling completely sated. The intensity of the experience can be addictive but I find three days and I'm done. It's like my brain is saying enough already. Makes sense to let your body recover too. And three days is in my experience the peak potency of a bottle. It rapidly drops away after that.

I've been using for several years and I don't get the side effects of headaches or eye flashes that I occasionally used to get in the beginning.

Tolerance? Maybe. I've certainly moved on to the new, more potent brands being marketed now, which give a much more intense rush, no doubt about that.

I don't advocate their use. Extreme care always. And never mix with erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra.

I completely advocate their use. Hahahahha.
another thing people see guys doing in porn is poppers sure the feeling of it might be great--but the problems outweigh the benefits of it--google and read up about poppers before you decide to do them--guys have been known to die from it andsometimes the bottom takes the poppers it deadens his senses enough to where the top can fuck him hard and wont slow down because youre feeling him fucking you may feel like normal-- but i n reality he is fucking you harder than you know--

i have talked to guys that used poppers--said they wouldnt do it again because of the pain their bodies and ass endured the next day after a while they also cause erectile disfunction--alot of guys cant get aroused--and even if decide to quit poppers takes time for penis to re adapt to feeling normal

you can take poppers but read up on it and be safe--common sense tells you to use a substance that alters the mind cant be good for you--just like any other mind altering drug--do them too much it does alot of damage

It’s not a “mind altering drug”. Good God. It’s a vasodilator. That’s it. And Poppers are harmless. There have been studies done, and they engender no long term harm or side effects. Next up: same posters making this claim advocate conversion therapy!
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Tbh, I tend to binge and then abstain for a while. I've just come off of a three day binge (which, among other things, produced a new album in my gallery lol), and I'm feeling completely sated. The intensity of the experience can be addictive but I find three days and I'm done. It's like my brain is saying enough already. Makes sense to let your body recover too. And three days is in my experience the peak potency of a bottle. It rapidly drops away after that.

I've been using for several years and I don't get the side effects of headaches or eye flashes that I occasionally used to get in the beginning.

Tolerance? Maybe. I've certainly moved on to the new, more potent brands being marketed now, which give a much more intense rush, no doubt about that.

I don't advocate their use. Extreme care always. And never mix with erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra.

Keep your bottle in the freezer, and cap it after every use. Don’t let it sit with the cap off. They will last a lot longer. Also cheaper crap brands tend to go stale faster.
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Oooo name calling from a Drugged up gay and try Dr Robert Gallo

Drugged up gay, my ass! And you’re no Robert Gallo. Actually, maybe you ARE like Gallo. It was the French researchers that discovered the HIV virus and determined that it was a retrovirus first. But Gallo was an attention whore who couldn't stand that he had been beaten. Demanded he be allowed to share the prize. He was and is, a jackass.
Drugged up gay, my ass! And you’re no Robert Gallo. Actually, maybe you ARE like Gallo. It was the French researchers that discovered the HIV virus and determined that it was a retrovirus first. But Gallo was an attention whore who couldn't stand that he had been beaten. Demanded he be allowed to share the prize. He was and is, a jackass.
Why are you so defensive over poppers they are a harmful chemical why do you think most of them are banned. Poppers causes depletion of the immune system they also affect the cardiovascular system and oxygen saturation levels. Also affect eyesight... but i guess if you're a drug user you don't care
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Why are you so defensive over poppers they are a harmful chemical why do you think most of them are banned. Poppers causes depletion of the immune system they also affect the cardiovascular system and oxygen saturation levels. Also affect eyesight... but i guess if you're a drug user you don't care

You can just shove it up your rear end! They do not deplete your immune system. They are a vasodilator, which does raise your heart rate, this is true, but they don’t cause cardiovascular damage. Also, it does not affect your eyesight. Studies done in your own country have found no long term damage or harm.
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I’m not getting into a link duel with you. Just go to the article on Wikipedia about poppers and read the footnotes about the studies done in Britain about poppers.

God, why does there always have to be religious crusader out there? You’re no better thanthe anti-circ crowd.
I'm an atheist firstly and you're in denial
I'm an atheist firstly and you're in denial

Do you even understand analogy?

Listen, it’s been thoroughly entertaining interacting with you, but really, I must leave you now. I simply have no more time left to give you. Good evening.