Post your pumping pics

I haven't had much issues but after the session when it is still fully pumped it is less sensitive but if your do it slowly there shouldn't be a huge issue. But with any enlargement there is risk of some sensitivity loss if done too quickly or too extremely.
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your 35 minute pump photo shows the top of your cock just over the 9.0" mark on the enlarger tube - nice work, I'm a curly hair shy of that mark in my enlarger tube

Thanks, after a session when I max the girth I get to around 9.25 before the pressure gets a bit too uncomfortable.
Posted in my album as well.

Going from no-vacuum to almost filling my 9 x 2.25 tube. I want to fill that last half inch completely, but at going any further makes it painful.
just take it slow and you can get the 9 inches, I was so close for ages and now I can get to 9.25 once packing.
Posted in my album as well.

Going from no-vacuum to almost filling my 9 x 2.25 tube. I want to fill that last half inch completely, but at going any further makes it painful.
Was that in one session? Wow.