Pubic Hair Around The World. What's The Favorite Style In Your Country: Shaven, Trimmed Or Bushy?


Legendary Member
Dec 28, 2014
New York
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Before the late '90s, pubic hair was pretty much the norm among men. Nowadays, some kind of manscaping (even if it is just a little) seems pretty popular in the US. However, based on my experience, I've noticed that the way men "treat" their pubic hair varies from culture to culture. For example, a Japanese friend told me that in Japan is rare to see guys trimming or shaving their pubes, a full bush is the norm there.

How is it in your country? Is it manscaping as popular as in the US or is it perceived as weird or unusual?
There is nothing sexy or manly when a guy has his pubes shaved - - - the same for butts. I know it's just the matter of opinion, but shaved pubes, butts, armpits are disgusting for me. I like men, not the feminine boyish creatures.
Btw. To your topic question, I have a feeling that men here in Canada tend to keep their pubes more natural, not shaving.
I predict the return of the pubes worldwide. Hair is making a return everywhere, Men’s hair will get longer, the fades and shaves will diminish, beards and/or mustaches will get even stronger and longer. 2020 will be the year of hair!
Or not...
Most of my Mexican friends go full bush or just a little bit trimmed.
I tend to bounce between both depending what time of the year we are in. During the hotter months I tend to trim all of my body hair relatively low to help reduce with the amount of sweat and skin irritation from all of the hair as I tend to get pretty hair (the latin side of me). During the cooler months I tend to let everything just grow as shaving for 6-8 months gets old.
In my experience I’d say in Germany most of young men shave or trim up close. I’ve seen a team who just one or two went full bush and a couple showers after they too start to shave. Older men (40s and after) tend to go more natural.
Russians men (or with Russian heritage) living in my city are 50/50 shaved and bushy.
Mexicans I’d say trimmed most of the time, the same with Americans. I said this in my experience going through locker rooms and open showers.